API documentation

This API documentation only shows the new API, which internally may still use older methods and classes.


TimeResSpec(wl, t, data[, err, name, ...])

Class for working with time-resolved spectra.

TimeResSpecPlotter(dataset[, disp_freq_unit])

Class which can Plot a TimeResSpec using matplotlib.

PolTRSpec(para, perp[, iso])

Class for working with a polazation resolved datasets.

PolTRSpecPlotter(pol_dataset[, disp_freq_unit])

Plotting commands for a PolTRSpec


TwoDim(t, pump_wn, probe_wn, spec2d[, info, ...])

Dataset for an two dimensional dataset.


Method generated by attrs for class TwoDimPlotter.

CLSResult(*, wt, slopes[, slope_errors, ...])

Class holding the data of CLS-analysis.


MessPyFile(fname[, invert_data, ...])

Class for working with data files from MessPy v1.


Class for working with older messpy2 files.

get_t0(fname[, sigma, scan, display_result, ...])

Determine t0 from a semiconductor messuarement in the IR.


QC1DSpec(fname[, path, prefix, info, ...])

Helper class to load time resolved spectra measured with QuickControl

QC2DSpec(fname, path, prefix, info, ...)

Helper class to load 2D-spectra measured with QuickControl