Sympy notebook with the convolution

In this notebook we use sympy, a CAS for python, to calculate the convolution of an gaussian with an one-sided decaying exponential. sympy is not an requirement of skultrafast, there it is possible that it must be manually installed.

import sympy
from sympy import (symbols, Heaviside, exp, sqrt, oo, integrate, simplify, Eq,
                   plot, pi, init_printing, solve)
from sympy import erfc, erf

First we need to define sympy symbols.

A, t, ti = symbols('A t ti', real=True)
tau, sigma = symbols('tau sigma', positive=True)
step = Heaviside

Define \(y=A\exp(-t/\tau)\) and the gaussian IRF.

y = step(t) * A * exp(-t / tau)
irf = 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * sigma**2) * exp(-t**2 / (2 * sigma**2))

Next, we will calculate the covolution integral.

func = integrate((irf.subs(t, t - ti) * y.subs(t, ti)), (ti, -oo, oo))
func = simplify(func)

Rewirte the erf with the erfc function: erfc, erf = special.error_functions.erfc, special.error_functions.erf

func2 = func.rewrite(erfc)

Plot the result to it makes sense:

plot(func2.subs(sigma, 0.2).subs(tau, 2).subs(A, 1), (t, -1, 10))

Normalized derivatives of a gaussian

Used to model coherent contributions.

irf, irf.diff(t, 1), irf.diff(t, 2)
p1 = None
for i in range(0, 3):
    f = irf.diff(t, i)
    sol = solve(f.diff(t, 1), t)
    ext = f.subs(t, sol[0])
    if not p1:
        p1 = plot((f/ext).subs(sigma, 1), (t, -4, 4), show=False)
        p1.append(plot((f/ext).subs(sigma, 1), (t, -4, 4), show=False )[0])
plot(irf.diff(t).subs(sigma, 0.2).subs(tau, 2), (t, -1, 1))
plot(irf.diff(t, 2).subs(sigma, 0.2).subs(tau, 2), (t, -1, 1))

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