
Contains functions to find the time-zero and to interpolate the data.

Module Contents




use_gaussian(dat[, sigma])

Use convolution with the derivate of an gaussian.

use_diff(dat[, smooth])

Use numerical diff.

use_sv_filter(dat[, window, polydeg])

Use savitzky-golay derivate.

use_max(dat[, use_abs])

Uses the absolute maximum of the signal

use_first_abs(dat[, val])

Returns the first index where abs(dat)>val.

use_fit(dat, t[, tau, w0, tn, n])

Fits each transient with only w and x0 free.

_fit_func(t, y, x0, w, tau)


robust_fit_tz(wl, tn[, degree, t])

Apply a robust 3-degree fit to given tn-indexs.

interpol(tup, tn[, shift, new_t])

Uses linear interpolation to shift each channcel by given tn.

get_tz_cor(tup[, method, deg, plot])

Fully automatic timezero correction.

class skultrafast.zero_finding.est[source]

Bases: object

skultrafast.zero_finding.use_gaussian(dat, sigma=1)[source]

Use convolution with the derivate of an gaussian.

skultrafast.zero_finding.use_diff(dat, smooth=0)[source]

Use numerical diff.

skultrafast.zero_finding.use_sv_filter(dat, window=7, polydeg=5)[source]

Use savitzky-golay derivate.

skultrafast.zero_finding.use_max(dat, use_abs=True)[source]

Uses the absolute maximum of the signal

skultrafast.zero_finding.use_first_abs(dat, val=5)[source]

Returns the first index where abs(dat)>val.

skultrafast.zero_finding.use_fit(dat, t, tau=[5, 20000], w0=0.08, tn=None, n=-1)[source]

Fits each transient with only w and x0 free.

skultrafast.zero_finding._fit_func(t, y, x0, w, tau)[source]


skultrafast.zero_finding.robust_fit_tz(wl, tn, degree=3, t=1)[source]

Apply a robust 3-degree fit to given tn-indexs.

skultrafast.zero_finding.interpol(tup, tn, shift=0.0, new_t=None)[source]

Uses linear interpolation to shift each channcel by given tn.

skultrafast.zero_finding.get_tz_cor(tup, method=use_diff, deg=3, plot=False, **kwargs)[source]

Fully automatic timezero correction.