
Mathematical details of the fitting procedure

This section will describe the algorithm used to do the exponential fit. It mostly follows prior work, with only some small modifications to increase the speed and the stability of the fitting.

The fitting function

As its default, skultrafast assumes the traces have an gaussian IRF. Therefore, the data is described by the convolution of a sum of one-sided exponentials

\(y(t, \omega)= \sum_i A(i, \omega) exp(-t/\tau_i) \Theta(t)\),

with \(\Theta\) being the Heaviside-function, and gaussian instrument response function (IRF):

\(IRF(t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma}} \exp\left(-\frac{t^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)\).

The result of the convolution

\(y_{\textrm{conv}} = IRF \circledast y\)

can be expressed in terms of the complementary error-function erfc. Using sympy, the calculation is done in ‘convolution.ipynb’ notebook. Therefore, by default skultrafast fits the function

\[y(t, \omega)= A \exp(\frac{-t}{\tau_i}+\frac{\sigma^2}{2\tau_i^2})\frac{1}{2} erfc(\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt 2 \tau_i}-\frac{t}{\sqrt 2\sigma})\]

Variable projection

For given \(\tau\) and \(\omega\), the least squares problem is linear since the function is a sum of term where only the coefficients are unknown. Therefore we use our nonlinear functions as a basis matrix \(A_{ij} = y(t_i, \tau_j)\). The linear least-squares problem can be written as \(min_x |Ax-b|_2\) and can be directly solved. The separation of the linear and non-linear parameters is also know as variable projection.

Since the exponential function basis is numerically unstable, skultrafast uses L2-regularization by default. This is also called Tikhonov regularization or Rigde regression. It modifies the problem to \(min_x |Ax-b|_2+\alpha |x|_2\), alpha being small.

Depending on how the dispersion is handled, we can accelerate these steps. First we will assume that each frequency was interpolated or binned on the same common time-points. Then we just have to calculate the matrix A and its pseudoinverse once. The coefficients c for a single channel \(b\) are than just the dot product \(c = A_{PINV}b\).

If the different frequencies don’t share a common time-axis, the matrix A has and its pesudoinverse has to be calculated for every channel, which gets time-consuming for larger datasets.

The advantage of the latter approach is that it allows for easier inclusion of the dispersion parameters to the fitting model.