Source code for convolution

Sympy notebook with the convolution
In this notebook we use *sympy*, a CAS for python, to calculate the convolution of an
gaussian with an one-sided decaying exponential. *sympy* is not an requirement of
*skultrafast*, there it is possible that it must be manually installed.
# %%
import sympy
from sympy import (symbols, Heaviside, exp, sqrt, oo, integrate, simplify, Eq,
                   plot, pi, init_printing, solve)
from sympy import erfc, erf
# %%
# First we need to define sympy symbols.

A, t, ti = symbols('A t ti', real=True)
tau, sigma = symbols('tau sigma', positive=True)
[docs] step = Heaviside
# %% [rsT] # Define :math:`y=A\exp(-t/\tau)` and the gaussian IRF. # %%
[docs] y = step(t) * A * exp(-t / tau)
y # %%
[docs] irf = 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * sigma**2) * exp(-t**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
irf # %% # Next, we will calculate the covolution integral. # %% func = integrate((irf.subs(t, t - ti) * y.subs(t, ti)), (ti, -oo, oo))
[docs] func = simplify(func)
func # %% # Rewirte the `erf` with the `erfc` function: #erfc, erf = special.error_functions.erfc, special.error_functions.erf
[docs] func2 = func.rewrite(erfc)
func2 # %% [markdown] # Plot the result to it makes sense: plot(func2.subs(sigma, 0.2).subs(tau, 2).subs(A, 1), (t, -1, 10)) # %% # Normalized derivatives of a gaussian # ------------------------------------ # Used to model coherent contributions. irf, irf.diff(t, 1), irf.diff(t, 2)
[docs] p1 = None
for i in range(0, 3):
[docs] f = irf.diff(t, i)
sol = solve(f.diff(t, 1), t) ext = f.subs(t, sol[0]) if not p1: p1 = plot((f/ext).subs(sigma, 1), (t, -4, 4), show=False) else: p1.append(plot((f/ext).subs(sigma, 1), (t, -4, 4), show=False )[0]) print((f/ext)) # %% plot(irf.diff(t).subs(sigma, 0.2).subs(tau, 2), (t, -1, 1)) plot(irf.diff(t, 2).subs(sigma, 0.2).subs(tau, 2), (t, -1, 1))