Source code for skultrafast.dv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import lmfit
from scipy.optimize import nnls
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
import scipy.ndimage as nd
from scipy.stats import trim_mean
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.signal as sig
from collections import namedtuple
from scipy.constants import c, physical_constants
from typing import Union, List, overload

[docs] tup = namedtuple('tup', 'wl t data')
[docs] def add_to_cls(cls): def function_enum(fn): setattr(cls, fn.__name__, staticmethod(fn)) return fn return function_enum
[docs] def add_tup(str_lst): def function_enum(fn): str_lst[0].append(fn.__name__) str_lst[1].append(fn) return fn return function_enum
[docs] def trimmed_mean(arr, axis=-1, ratio=2., use_sem=True): arr = np.sort(arr, axis=axis) std = np.std(arr, axis, keepdims=1) std = np.std(st.trimboth(arr, 0.1, axis), keepdims=1) mean = np.mean(st.trimboth(arr, 0.1, axis), keepdims=1) # std = np.std(st.trimboth(arr, 0.1, axis), keepdims=1) # mean = np.mean(st.trimboth(arr, 0.1, axis), keepdims=1) idx = np.abs(arr - mean) > ratio * std n = np.sqrt(np.sum(~idx, axis)) if not use_sem: n = 1 arr[idx] = np.nan mean = np.nanmean(arr, axis) std = np.nanstd(arr, axis, ddof=1)/n return mean, std
[docs] def smooth_spline(x, y, s): s = UnivariateSpline(x, y, s=s) return s(x)
[docs] def svd_filter(d, n=6): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(d, full_matrices=0) s[n:] = 0 f =, np.diag(s).dot(v)) return f
[docs] def apply_spline(t, d, s=None): out = np.zeros_like(d) for i in range(d.shape[1]): out[:, i] = smooth_spline(t, d[:, i], s) return out
[docs] def normalize(x): return x/abs(x).max()
[docs] def weighted_binner(n, wl, dat, std): """ Given wavelengths and data it bins the data into n-wavelenths. Returns bdata and bwl """ i = np.argsort(wl) wl = wl[i] dat = dat[:, i] idx = np.searchsorted(wl, np.linspace(wl.min(), wl.max(), n+1)) binned = np.empty((dat.shape[0], n)) binned_std = np.empty_like(binned) binned_wl = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): data = dat[:, idx[i]:idx[i+1]] weights = 1/std[:, idx[i]:idx[i+1]]**2 binned[:, i] = np.average(data, 1, weights) binned_std[:, i] = np.average(std[:, idx[i]:idx[i+1]], 1, weights) binned_wl[i] = np.mean(wl[idx[i]:idx[i+1]]) return binned, binned_wl, binned_std
[docs] def binner(n, wl, dat, func=np.mean): """ Given wavelengths and data it bins the data into n-wavelenths. Returns bdata and bwl """ i = np.argsort(wl) wl = wl[i] dat = dat[:, i] idx = np.searchsorted(wl, np.linspace(wl.min(), wl.max(), n+1)) binned = np.empty((dat.shape[0], n)) binned_wl = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): binned[:, i] = func(dat[:, idx[i]:idx[i+1]], 1) binned_wl[i] = np.mean(wl[idx[i]:idx[i+1]]) return binned, binned_wl
[docs] def fi(w: np.ndarray, x: float) -> int: ...
@overload def fi(w: np.ndarray, x: List[float]) -> List[int]: ... def fi(w, x): """ Given a value, it finds the index of the nearest value in the array. Parameters ---------- w : np.ndarray Array where to look. x : float or list of floats Value or values to look for. Returns ------- int or list of ints Indicies of the nearest values. """ try: len(x) except TypeError: x = [x] ret = [np.argmin(np.abs(w-i)) for i in x] if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return ret
[docs] def subtract_background(dat, t, tn, offset=0.3): out = np.zeros_like(dat) for i in range(dat.shape[1]): mask = (t-tn[i]) < -offset corr = dat[mask, i].mean() out[:, i] = dat[:, i] - corr return out
[docs] def polydetrend(x, t=None, deg=3): if t is None: t = np.arange(x.shape[0]) p = np.polyfit(t, x, deg) yf = np.poly1d(p)(t) return x - yf
[docs] def exp_detrend(y, t, start_taus=[1], use_constant=True): m, yf = exp_fit(t, y, start_taus, use_constant=use_constant, verbose=0) return y - yf
[docs] def arr_polydetrend(x, t=None, deg=3): out = np.zeros_like(x) for i in range(x.shape[1]): out[:, i] = polydetrend(x[:, i], t, deg) return out
[docs] def meaner(dat, t, llim, ulim, proportiontocut=0.0): return trim_mean(dat[fi(t, llim):fi(t, ulim)], axis=0, proportiontocut=proportiontocut)
[docs] def legend_format(l): return [str(i/1000.) + ' ps' for i in l]
[docs] def apply_sg(y, window_size, order, deriv=0): out = np.zeros_like(y) coeffs = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_size, order, deriv=0, use='dot') for i in range(y.shape[1]): out[:, i] =[:, i]) return out
[docs] def apply_sg_scan(y, window_size, order, deriv=0): out = np.zeros_like(y) c = sig.savgol_coeffs(window_size, order, deriv=0) # for s in range(y.shape[-1]): # for i in range(y.shape[1]): # print c.shape out = nd.convolve1d(y, c, 0, mode='nearest') # out, s] =[:, i, 1, s]) return out
[docs] def calc_error(args): """ Calculates the error from a leastsq fit infodict. """ p, cov, info, mesg, success = args chisq = sum(info["fvec"] * info["fvec"]) dof = len(info["fvec"]) - len(p) sigma = np.array([np.sqrt(cov[i, i]) * np.sqrt(chisq / dof) for i in range(len(p))]) return p, sigma
[docs] def min_pulse_length(width_in_cm, shape='gauss'): width_hz = width_in_cm * 3e10 if shape == 'gauss': return (0.44 / width_hz) / 1e-15
[docs] def wavelength2rgb(w): """ Converts a wavelength to a RGB color. """ if w >= 380 and w < 440: R = -(w - 440.) / (440. - 350.) G = 0.0 B = 1.0 elif w >= 440 and w < 490: R = 0.0 G = (w - 440.) / (490. - 440.) B = 1.0 elif w >= 490 and w < 510: R = 0.0 G = 1.0 B = -(w - 510.) / (510. - 490.) elif w >= 510 and w < 580: R = (w - 510.) / (580. - 510.) G = 1.0 B = 0.0 elif w >= 580 and w < 645: R = 1.0 G = -(w - 645.) / (645. - 580.) B = 0.0 elif w >= 645 and w <= 780: R = 1.0 G = 0.0 B = 0.0 else: R = 0.0 G = 0.0 B = 0.0 if (w > 700.): s = .3+.7 * (780.-w)/(780.-700.) elif (w < 420.): s = .3+.7*(w-380.)/(420.-380.) else: s = 1. R, G, B = (np.array((R, G, B))*s)**0.8 return R, G, B
[docs] def equal_color(plots1, plots2): if len(plots1) != len(plots2): raise ValueError for (plot1, plot2) in zip(plots1, plots2): plot2.set_color(plot1.get_color())
[docs] def find_linear_part(t): """ Finds the first value of an 1d-array where the difference betweeen consecutively values varys. """ d = np.diff(t) return np.argmin(np.abs(d-d[0]) < 0.00001)
[docs] def rebin(a, new_shape): """ Resizes a 2d array by averaging or repeating elements, new dimensions must be integral factors of original dimensions Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array. new_shape : tuple of int Shape of the output array Returns ------- rebinned_array : ndarray If the new shape is smaller of the input array, the data are averaged, if the new shape is bigger array elements are repeated See Also -------- resize : Return a new array with the specified shape. Examples -------- >>> a = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) >>> b = rebin(a, (4, 6)) #upsize >>> b array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]]) >>> c = rebin(b, (2, 3)) #downsize >>> c array([[ 0. , 0.5, 1. ], [ 2. , 2.5, 3. ]]) """ M, N = a.shape m, n = new_shape if m < M: return a.reshape((m, M/m, n, N/n)).mean(3).mean(1) else: return np.repeat(np.repeat(a, m/M, axis=0), n/N, axis=1)
[docs] def efa(dat, n, reverse=False): """ Doing evolving factor analyis. """ if reverse: data = dat[::-1, :] else: data = dat out = np.zeros((data.shape[0], n)) for i in range(6, data.shape[0]): sv = svds(data[:i, :], min(i, n))[1] out[i, :] = sv return out
[docs] def moving_efa(dat, n, ncols, method='svd'): out = np.zeros((dat.shape[0], n)) p = PCA() for i in range(0, dat.shape[0]-n): if method == 'svd': sv = np.linalg.svd(dat[i:i+ncols, :])[1][:n] elif method == 'pca': p =[i:i+ncols, :]) sv = p.explained_variance_ratio_[:n] out[i, :] = sv return out
[docs] def pfid_tau_to_w(tau): """ Given the rise time of the pertuabed free induction decay, calculate the corresponding spectral width in cm-^1. """ return 1/(np.pi*3e7*tau*1e-9)
[docs] def als(dat, n=5): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(dat) u0 = u[:n] v0 = v.T[:n] u0 = np.random.random(u0.shape)+0.1 v0 = np.random.random(v0.shape)+0.1 res = np.linalg.lstsq(u0.T, dat)[1].sum() res = 10000. for i in range(15000): if i % 2 == 0: v0 = do_nnls(u0.T, dat) v0 /= np.max(v0, 1)[:, None] res_n = (( - dat)**2).sum() else: u0, res_n, t, t = np.linalg.lstsq(v0.T, dat.T) #, v0.T) # u0 = r.coef_[:] res_n = (( - dat)**2).sum() if abs(res-res_n) < 0.001: break else: print(i, res_n) res = res_n return u0.T, v0.T
[docs] def spec_int(tup, r, is_wavelength=True): wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, if is_wavelength: wl = 1e7/wl wl1, wl2 = 1e7 / r[0], 1e7 / r[1] else: wl1, wl2 = r ix = np.argsort(wl) wl = wl[ix] d = d[:, ix] idx1, idx2 = sorted([fi(wl, wl1), fi(wl, wl2)]) dat = np.trapz(d[:, idx1:idx2], wl[idx1:idx2]) / np.ptp(wl[idx1:idx2]) return dat
# import mls
[docs] def do_nnls(A, b): n = b.shape[1] out = np.zeros((A.shape[1], n)) for i in range(n): # mls.bounded_lsq(A.T, b[:,i], np.zeros((A.shape[1],1)), np.ones((A.shape[1],1))).shape out[:, i] = nnls(A, b[:, i])[0] return out
[docs] def exp_fit(x, y, start_taus=[1], use_constant=True, amp_max=None, amp_min=None, weights=None, amp_penalty=0, verbose=True, start_amps=None): num_exp = len(start_taus) para = lmfit.Parameters() if use_constant: para.add('const', y[-1]) for i in range(num_exp): para.add('tau' + str(i), start_taus[i], min=0) y_c = y - y[-1] if start_amps is None: a = y_c[fi(x, start_taus[i])] else: a = start_amps[i] para.add('amp' + str(i), a) if amp_max is not None: para['amp' + str(i)].max = amp_max if amp_min is not None: para['amp' + str(i)].min = amp_min def fit(p): y_fit = np.zeros_like(y) if use_constant: y_fit += p['const'].value for i in range(num_exp): amp = p['amp'+str(i)].value tau = p['tau'+str(i)].value y_fit += amp * np.exp(-x/tau) return y_fit def res(p): if weights is None: pen = 0 for i in range(num_exp): pen += p['amp'+str(i)].value**2 return np.hstack(((y - fit(p)), amp_penalty*pen)) else: return (y - fit(p)) / weights mini = lmfit.minimize(res, para) if verbose: lmfit.report_fit(mini) y_fit = fit(mini.params) return mini, y_fit
[docs] def calc_ratios(fitter, tmin=0.35, tmax=200): from skultrafast import zero_finding tup = zero_finding.interpol(fitter, w, t, d = tup i = fi(t, tmin) i_max = fi(t, tmax) t = t[i:i_max] d = d[i:i_max, :] pos = np.where(d > 0, d, 0) neg = np.where(d < 0, d, 0) pos = np.trapz(pos, w) neg = np.trapz(neg, w) return t, pos, neg, pos/neg, d.sum(1)
[docs] def make_fi(data_to_search): return lambda x: fi(data_to_search, x)