Source code for skultrafast.filter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains various filters and binning methods. All take
a dv tup and return a tup.

from . import dv
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import scipy.signal as sig

[docs] def svd_filter(tup, n=6): """ Only use the first n-components. Parameters ---------- tup: data object. n: number of svd components used. """ wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(d, full_matrices=0) s[n:] = 0 f =, np.diag(s).dot(v)) return dv.tup(wl, t, f)
[docs] def wiener(tup, size=(3,3), noise=None): wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, f = sig.wiener(d, size, noise=noise) return dv.tup(wl, t, f)
[docs] def uniform_filter(tup, sigma=(2, 2)): """ Apply an uniform filter to data. """ wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, f = nd.uniform_filter(d, size=sigma, mode="nearest") return dv.tup(wl, t, f)
[docs] def gaussian_filter(tup, sigma=(2, 2)): """ Apply an uniform filter to data. """ wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, f = nd.gaussian_filter(d, sigma=sigma, mode="nearest") return dv.tup(wl, t, f)
[docs] def sg_filter(tup, window_length=11, polyorder=2, deriv=0, axis=0): """ Apply a Savitzky-Golay filter to a tup. Parameter --------- tup: Data window_length: Winodw length of the filter polyorder: The order of local polynomial. Must be smaller than window_length. deriv: The order of the derivative to compute. This must be a nonnegative integer. The default is 0. """ wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, f = sig.savgol_filter(d, window_length, polyorder, axis=axis, mode='nearest') return dv.tup(wl, t, f)
[docs] def bin_channels(tup, n=200, method=np.mean): """ Bin the data onto n-channels. """ def binner(n, wl, dat): """ Given wavelengths and data it bins the data into n-wavelenths. Returns bdata and bwl """ i = np.argsort(wl) wl = wl[i] dat = dat[:, i] idx = np.searchsorted(wl,np.linspace(wl.min(),wl.max(),n+1)) binned = np.empty((dat.shape[0], n)) binned_wl = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): binned[:,i] = method(dat[:,idx[i]:idx[i+1]],1) binned_wl[i] = np.mean(wl[idx[i]:idx[i+1]]) return binned, binned_wl wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, binned_d, binned_wl = binner(n, wl, d) return dv.tup(binned_wl, t, binned_d)
[docs] def weighted_binner(n, wl, dat, std): """ Given wavelengths and data it bins the data into n-wavelenths. Returns bdata and bwl """ i = np.argsort(wl) wl = wl[i] dat = dat[:, i] idx = np.searchsorted(wl,np.linspace(wl.min(),wl.max(),n+1)) binned = np.empty((dat.shape[0], n)) binned_wl = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): data = dat[:,idx[i]:idx[i+1]] weights = 1/std[:,idx[i]:idx[i+1]] binned[:,i] = np.average(data, 1, weights) binned_wl[i] = np.mean(wl[idx[i]:idx[i+1]]) return binned, binned_wl
[docs] def _idx_range(arr, a, b): """Returns a boolean array which is True where arr is between a and b. Parameters ---------- arr : array Array to find the range in. a : float First edge of the region. b : float Second edge of the region. Returns ------- : arr of bool The resulting boolean array """ lower, upper = sorted([a,b]) idx = (lower<arr) & (arr<upper) return idx
[docs] def cut_tup(tup, from_t=-1e20, to_t=1e20, from_wl=-1e20, to_wl=1e20): wl, t, d = tup t_idx = _idx_range(tup.t, from_t, to_t) wl_idx = _idx_range(tup.wl, from_wl, to_wl) return dv.tup(wl[wl_idx], t[t_idx], (d[t_idx, :])[:, wl_idx])
[docs] def norm_tup(tup, min_div=3): wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, np.max(d)