Source code for skultrafast.fit_spectrum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to fit the whole spektrum by peak functions.

from __future__ import print_function
from scipy.special import wofz
from skultrafast.utils import sigma_clip
from . import unit_conversions

import numpy as np
import lmfit
[docs] pi = np.pi
[docs] def voigt(x, A, mu, sig, gamma=0.1): w = wofz(((x-mu) + 1j*gamma) * 2**-0.5 / sig) return A * w.real * (2 * pi)**-0.5 / sig
[docs] def lorentz_peaks(x, A, x0, w): A, x0, w = map(np.asarray, [A, x0, w]) return A[:, None] / (1 + ((x[None, :] - x0[:, None]) / w[:, None])**2)
[docs] def gauss_peaks(x, A, x0, w): A, x0, w = map(np.asarray, [A, x0, w]) return A[:, None] * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x[None, :] - x0[:, None]) / w[:, None])**2)
[docs] def voigt_peaks(x, A, x0, w): out = np.zeros((A.size, x.size)) for i in range(A.size): out[i, :] = voigt(x, A[i], x0[i], w[i]) return out
[docs] def fit_spectrum(x, y, start_peaks_list, yerr=None, peak_func=lorentz_peaks, amp_penalty=0.01, amp_bounds=(-.6, .4), wmin=2, wmax=10, add_const=False): """ Fits multiple peaks to mulitple spektra, the position and width of each peak is the same for all spectra, only the amplitude is allowed to differ. Parameters ---------- x: (n)-ndarray The x-values to fit, e.g. wavelengths or wavenumbers. y: (n, m)-ndarray The y-values to fit. start_peak_list: list A list containing (x0, amp, w) tuples. Used as starting values. yerr: (n, m)-ndarray The errors of the data. Default None. peaks_func: function, optional Function which calculates the peaks. Has the following signature: func(x, A_arr, x0_arr, w_arr), defaults to lorentz_peaks. amp_penalty: float, optional Regulazition parameter for the amplitudes. Defaults to 0.001. amp_bounds: (float, float)-tuple, optional Min and max bounds for the amplitude. wmax: float, optional Upper bound for the width parameter. wmin: float, optional Lower bound for the width parameter. add_const: bool Weather to add an const background. """ y = np.atleast_2d(y) n = y.shape[0] paras = lmfit.Parameters() for i, (x0, A, w) in enumerate(start_peaks_list): si = str(i) for j in range(y.shape[0]): if A < 0: paras.add('Amp_' + si + str(j), A, max=0, min=amp_bounds[0]) else: paras.add('Amp_' + si + str(j), A, max=amp_bounds[1], min=0) paras.add('Angle_' + si, 54.2, max=90, min=0) paras.add('x0_' + si, x0) paras.add('width_' + si, w, min=wmin, max=wmax) p = paras x0 = np.array([i.value for i in p.values()]) def residuals(p, x, y, peak_func): fit = np.array([i.value for i in p.values()]).reshape((3 + n, -1), order='F') base_peak = peak_func(x, np.ones_like(fit[0, :]), *fit[[-2, -1], :]) dichro = unit_conversions.angle2dichro(fit[-3, :]) resi = [] for i in range(n): fp = base_peak * fit[[i], :].T fs = fp / dichro[:, None] sum_fs = fs.sum(0) sum_fp = fp.sum(0) if y is None: resi.append(np.hstack((fp, fs))) else: resi.append( np.hstack((y[i, :] - np.hstack( (sum_fp, sum_fs)), fit[i, :] * amp_penalty)).ravel()) if y is None: return np.array(resi) else: if yerr is None: return np.array(resi).ravel() else: return np.array(resi / yerr).ravel() print(x.shape) mini = lmfit.Minimizer(residuals, paras, fcn_args=(x, y, peak_func)) result = mini.leastsq()
[docs] def bin_every_n(x, start_idx, n=10, reduction_func=lambda x: np.mean(x, 0)): out = [] if x.ndim == 1: x = x[:, None] for i in range(start_idx, x.shape[0], n): end_idx = min(i + n, x.shape[0]) out.append(sigma_clip(x[i:end_idx, :], sigma=2.5, axis=0).mean(0)) return np.array(out)