Source code for skultrafast.messpy

from dis import dis
import numpy as np
import lmfit
from pathlib import Path
import os
import attr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from scipy.stats import trim_mean
from typing import Callable, Literal, Tuple, Union, Optional, no_type_check, Dict
import h5py

from skultrafast.dataset import TimeResSpec, PlotterMixin, PolTRSpec
from skultrafast.twoD_dataset import TwoDim
from skultrafast import plot_helpers as ph
from skultrafast.utils import sigma_clip, gauss_step, poly_bg_correction
from skultrafast.dv import make_fi, subtract_background
from skultrafast.unit_conversions import THz2cm

[docs] class MessPy2File: """ Class for working with older messpy2 files. """ def __init__(self, fname: os.PathLike): self.file = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True)
[docs] def get_meta_info(self): meta = self.file['meta'] meta.shape = (1, ) samp = meta[0]['children']['Sample']['children'] out = {} for i in samp.keys(): out[i] = samp[i]['value'] return out
[docs] def vis_wls(self, slope=-1.5, intercept=864.4): return slope * np.arange(390) + intercept
[docs] def process_vis(self, vis_range=(390, 720), min_scan=None, max_scan=None, sigma=2.3, para_angle=45): data_file = self.file wls = self.vis_wls() t = data_file['t'] d = -data_file['data_Stresing CCD'][min_scan:max_scan, ...] if 'rot' in data_file: rot = data_file['rot'][min_scan:max_scan] para_idx = (abs(np.round(rot) - para_angle) < 3) else: n_ir_cwl = data_file['wl_Remote IR 32x2'].shape[0] para_idx = np.repeat(np.array([False, True], dtype='bool'), n_ir_cwl) dpm = sigma_clip(d[para_idx, ...], axis=0, sigma=sigma, max_iter=10) dsm = sigma_clip(d[~para_idx, ...], axis=0, sigma=sigma, max_iter=10) dp = dpm.mean(0) dps = dpm.std(0) ds = dsm.mean(0) dss = dsm.std(0) para = TimeResSpec(wls, t, dp[0, :, 0, ...], freq_unit='nm', disp_freq_unit='nm') perp = TimeResSpec(wls, t, ds[0, :, 0, ...], freq_unit='nm', disp_freq_unit='nm') pol = PolTRSpec(para, perp) pol = pol.cut_freq(*vis_range, invert_sel=True) return pol.para, pol.perp, pol
[docs] def process_ir(self, t0=0, min_scans=0, max_scans=None, subtract_background=True, center_ch=16, disp=14, sigma=3) -> PolTRSpec: data_file = self.file t = data_file['t'] - t0 wli = data_file['wl_Remote IR 32x2'] print(wli[:, 16, None]) wli = -(disp * (np.arange(32) - center_ch)) + wli[:, 16, None] wli = 1e7 / wli d = data_file['data_Remote IR 32x2'][min_scans:max_scans] print(d.shape) dp = sigma_clip(d[1::2, ...], axis=0, sigma=sigma) dpm = dp.mean(0) ds = sigma_clip(d[0::2, ...], axis=0, sigma=sigma) dsm = ds.mean(0) if subtract_background: dsm -= dsm[:, :10, ...].mean(1, keepdims=True) dpm -= dpm[:, :10, ...].mean(1, keepdims=True) para = TimeResSpec(wli[0], t, dpm[0, :, 0, ...], freq_unit='cm', disp_freq_unit='cm') perp = TimeResSpec(wli[0], t, dsm[0, :, 0, ...], freq_unit='cm', disp_freq_unit='cm') para.plot.spec(1, n_average=20) for i in range(1, wli.shape[0]): para_t = TimeResSpec(wli[i], t, dpm[i, :, 0, ...], freq_unit='cm', disp_freq_unit='cm') para_t.plot.spec(1, n_average=20) para = para.concat_datasets(para_t) perp = perp.concat_datasets( TimeResSpec(wli[i], t, dsm[i, :, 0, ...], freq_unit='cm', disp_freq_unit='cm')) both = PolTRSpec(para, perp) return both
[docs] class MessPyFile: def __init__( self, fname, invert_data=False, is_pol_resolved=False, pol_first_scan: Literal['magic', 'para', 'perp', 'unknown'] = "unknown", valid_channel=None, ): """Class for working with data files from MessPy v1. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename to open. invert_data : bool (optional) If True, invert the sign of the data. `False` by default. is_pol_resolved : bool (optional) If the dataset was recorded polarization resolved. pol_first_scan : {'magic', 'para', 'perp', 'unknown'} Polarization between the pump and the probe in the first scan. If `valid_channel` is 'both', this corresponds to the zeroth channel. valid_channel : `0`, `1`, 'both' Indicates which channels contains a real signal. For recently recorded data, it is 0 for the visible setup and 1 for the IR setup. Older IR data uses both. If `None` it guesses the valid channel from the data, assuming recent data. """ with np.load(fname) as f: self.wl = f["wl"] self.initial_wl = self.wl.copy() self.t = f["t"] / 1000.0 = f["data"] if invert_data: *= -1 self.wavenumbers = 1e7 / self.wl self.pol_first_scan = pol_first_scan self.is_pol_resolved = is_pol_resolved if valid_channel is not None: self.valid_channel = valid_channel else: self.valid_channel = 1 if self.wl.shape[0] > 32 else 0 self.num_cwl =[0] self.plot = MessPyPlotter(self) self.t_idx = make_fi(self.t)
[docs] def average_scans(self, sigma=3, max_iter=3, min_scan=0, max_scan=None, disp_freq_unit=None): """ Calculate the average of the scans. Uses sigma clipping, which also filters nans. For polarization resolved measurements, the function assumes that the polarisation switches every scan. Parameters ---------- sigma : float sigma used for sigma clipping. max_iter: int Maximum iterations in sigma clipping. min_scan : int or None All scans before min_scan are ignored. max_scan : int or None If `None`, use all scan, else just use the scans up to max_scan. disp_freq_unit : 'nm', 'cm' or None Sets `disp_freq_unit` of the created datasets. Returns ------- dict or TimeResSpec TimeResSpec or Dict of DataSets containing the averaged datasets. If the first delay-time are identical, they are interpreted as background and their mean is subtracted. """ if max_scan is None: sub_data = else: sub_data =[..., min_scan:max_scan] num_wls =[0] t = self.t if disp_freq_unit is None: disp_freq_unit = "nm" if self.wl.shape[0] > 32 else "cm" kwargs = dict(disp_freq_unit=disp_freq_unit) if not self.is_pol_resolved: data = sigma_clip(sub_data, sigma=sigma, max_iter=max_iter, axis=-1) mean = data.mean(-1) std = data.std(-1) err = std / np.sqrt((~data.mask).sum(-1)) if self.valid_channel in [0, 1]: mean = mean[..., self.valid_channel] std = std[..., self.valid_channel] err = err[..., self.valid_channel] out = {} if num_wls > 1: for i in range(num_wls): ds = TimeResSpec(self.wl[:, i], t, mean[i, ..., :], err[i, ...], **kwargs) out[self.pol_first_scan + str(i)] = ds else: out = TimeResSpec(self.wl[:, 0], t, mean[0, ...], err[0, ...], **kwargs) return out else: raise NotImplementedError("TODO") elif self.is_pol_resolved and self.valid_channel in [0, 1]: assert self.pol_first_scan in ["para", "perp"] data1 = sigma_clip(sub_data[..., self.valid_channel, ::2], sigma=sigma, max_iter=max_iter, axis=-1) mean1 = data1.mean(-1) std1 = data1.std(-1, ddof=1) err1 = std1 / np.sqrt(, -1)) data2 = sigma_clip(sub_data[..., self.valid_channel, 1::2], sigma=sigma, max_iter=max_iter, axis=-1) mean2 = data2.mean(-1) std2 = data2.std(-1, ddof=1) err2 = std2 / np.sqrt(, -1)) out = {} for i in range(num_wls): wl, t = self.wl[:, i], self.t if self.pol_first_scan == "para": para = mean1[i, ...] para_err = err1[i, ...] perp = mean2[i, ...] perp_err = err2[i, ...] elif self.pol_first_scan == "perp": para = mean2[i, ...] para_err = err2[i, ...] perp = mean1[i, ...] perp_err = err1[i, ...] para_ds = TimeResSpec(wl, t, para, para_err, **kwargs) perp_ds = TimeResSpec(wl, t, perp, perp_err, **kwargs) out["para" + str(i)] = para_ds out["perp" + str(i)] = perp_ds iso = 1/3*para + 2/3*perp out["iso" + str(i)] = TimeResSpec(wl, t, iso, **kwargs) self.av_scans_ = out return out else: raise NotImplementedError("Iso correction not supported yet.")
[docs] def recalculate_wavelengths(self, dispersion, center_ch=None, offset=0): """Recalculates the wavelengths, assuming linear dispersion. Currently assumes that the wavelength set by spectrometer is stored in channel 16 Parameters ---------- dispersion : float The dispersion per channel. center_ch : int Determines the mid-channel. Defaults to len(wl)/2. """ n = self.wl.shape[0] if center_ch is None: center_ch = n // 2 # Here we assume that the set wavelength of the spectrometer # is written in channel 16 center_wls = self.initial_wl[16, :] new_wl = (np.arange(-n // 2, n // 2) + (center_ch-16)) * dispersion self.wl = np.add.outer(new_wl, center_wls) + offset self.wavenumbers = 1e7 / self.wl if hasattr(self, "av_scans_"): for k, i in self.av_scans_.items(): idx = int(k.strip("paraisoperp")) i.wavenumbers = self.wavenumbers[:, idx] i.wavelengths = self.wl[:, idx]
[docs] def subtract_background(self, n=10, prop_cut=0): """Substracts the the first n-points of the data""" back = trim_mean([:, :n, ...], prop_cut, axis=0) -= back
[docs] def avg_and_concat(self): """Averages the data and concatenates the resulting TimeResSpec""" if not hasattr(self, "av_scans_"): self.average_scans() out = [] for pol in ["para", "perp", "iso"]: tmp = self.av_scans_[pol + "0"] for i in range(1, self.wl.shape[1]): tmp = tmp.concat_datasets(self.av_scans_[pol + str(i)]) out.append(tmp) para, perp, iso = out return para, perp, iso
[docs] class MessPyPlotter(PlotterMixin): def __init__(self, messpyds): """ Class to plot utility plots Parameters ---------- messpyds : MessPyFile The MessPyDataSet. """ self.ds = messpyds
[docs] def background(self, n=10, ax=None): """ Plot the backgrounds each center wl. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() out = self.ds.average_scans() if isinstance(out, dict): for i in out: ds = out[i] ax.plot(ds.wavelengths,[:n, :].mean(0), label=i) self.lbl_spec(ax) else: return
[docs] def early_region(self): """ Plots an imshow of the early region. """ n = self.ds.num_cwl ds = self.ds fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, n, figsize=(n*2.5 + 0.5, 2.5), sharex=True, sharey=True) if not hasattr(ds, "av_scans_"): return for i in range(n): d = ds.av_scans_["para" + str(i)].data axs[i].imshow(d, aspect="auto") axs[i].set_ylim(0, 50)
[docs] def compare_spec(self, t_region=(0, 4), every_nth=1, ax=None): """ Plots the averaged spectra of every central wavelenth and polarisation. Parameters ---------- t_region : tuple of floats Contains the the start and end-point of the times to average. every_nth: int Only every n-th scan is plotted. Returns ------- None """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() n = self.ds.num_cwl ds = self.ds t = self.ds.t if not hasattr(ds, "av_scans_"): self.ds.average_scans() for i in range(0, n, every_nth): c = "C%d" % i sl = (t_region[0] < t) & (t < t_region[1]) if "para" + str(i) in ds.av_scans_: d = ds.av_scans_["para" + str(i)] ax.plot(d.wavelengths,[sl, :].mean(0), c=c, lw=2) if "perp" + str(i) in ds.av_scans_: d = ds.av_scans_["perp" + str(i)] ax.plot(d.wavelengths,[sl, :].mean(0), c=c, lw=1) elif "iso" + str(i) in ds.av_scans_: d = ds.av_scans_["iso" + str(i)] ax.plot(d.wavelengths,[sl, :].mean(0), c=c, lw=1) ph.lbl_spec(ax)
[docs] def compare_scans(self, t_region=(0, 4), channel=None, cmap="jet", ax=None, every_nth=1): """ Plots the spectrum averaged over `t_region` for `every_nth` scan. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if channel is None: channel = self.ds.valid_channel n_scans =[-1] d = t = self.ds.t sl = (t_region[0] < t) & (t < t_region[1]) colors = if not self.ds.is_pol_resolved: for i in range(0, n_scans, every_nth): c = colors(i * every_nth / n_scans) for j in range(d.shape[0]): ax.plot(self.ds.wavenumbers[:, j], d[j, sl, :, channel, i].mean(0), label='%d' % i, c=c) else: for i in range(0, n_scans, 2 * every_nth): c = colors(2 * every_nth * i / n_scans) for j in range(d.shape[0]): x = self.ds.wavenumbers[:, j] y = d[j, sl, :, channel, i].mean(0) ax.plot(x, y, label="%d" % i, c=c) if i + 1 < n_scans: y = d[j, sl, :, channel, i + 1].mean(0) ax.plot(x, y, label="%d" % (i+1), c=c) ph.lbl_spec(ax)
[docs] def _get_group_arr(grp: h5py.Group): """Get array from group of datasets, assuming they are named 0, 1, 2, ... and have the same shape""" keys = list(grp.keys()) n = len(keys) dim = grp[keys[0]].shape out = np.zeros((n, *dim)) for i in range(n): out[i, ...] = grp[str(i)][:].astype(np.float32) return out
[docs] class Messpy25File:
[docs] h5_file: Union[h5py.File, Path] = attr.ib(init=True)
'h5py file object containing the 2D dataset, the only required parameter'
[docs] is_para_array: Literal['Probe1', 'Probe2'] = 'Probe1'
'which dataset has parallel polarisation'
[docs] probe_wn: np.ndarray = attr.ib(init=False)
'Array with probe wavenumbers'
[docs] pump_wn: np.ndarray = attr.ib(init=False)
'Array with the pump wavenumbers. Depends on the upsampling used during measurment'
[docs] t2: np.ndarray = attr.ib(init=False)
'Array containing the waiting times'
[docs] t1: np.ndarray = attr.ib(init=False)
'Array containing the double pulse delays'
[docs] rot_frame: float = attr.ib(init=False)
'Rotation frame used while measuring' @no_type_check
[docs] def __attrs_post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.h5_file, Path): self.h5_file = h5py.File(self.h5_file, 'r') if 't1' in self.h5_file: self.t1 = self.h5_file['t1'][:] self.t2 = self.h5_file['t2'][:] else: self.t1 = self.h5_file['t2'][:] self.t2 = self.h5_file['t3'][:] self.rot_frame = self.h5_file['t1'].attrs['rot_frame'] self.probe_wn = self.h5_file['wn'][:] i: np.ndarray = self.h5_file['ifr_data/Probe1/0/0'] self.pump_wn = THz2cm(np.fft.rfftfreq(2 * i.shape[1], (self.t1[1] - self.t1[0]))) self.pump_wn += self.rot_frame
[docs] def get_means(self): if not '2d_data' in self.h5_file: raise ValueError("No 2D data found in file") means = {} for name, l in self.h5_file['2d_data'].items(): means[name] = [] for i in range(self.t2.size): means[name].append(l[str(i)]['mean']) para = self.is_para_array perp = "Probe2" if self.is_para_array == "Probe1" else "Probe2" para_means = np.stack(means[para], 0) perp_means = np.stack(means[perp], 0) return para_means, perp_means, 2/3*perp_means + 1/3*para_means
[docs] def get_all_ifr(self): ifr = {} for name, l in self.h5_file['ifr_data'].items(): ifr[name] = {} for i in range(self.t2.size): li = [] scans = [int(s) for s in l[str(i)].keys() if s != 'mean'] scans.sort() for scan in scans: li.append(self.h5_file[f'ifr_data/{name}/{str(i)}/{scan}'][:]) ifr[name][str(i)] = li return ifr
[docs] def ifr_means_and_stderr(self): ifr = self.get_all_ifr() means = {} stderr = {} for name in ifr: for i in ifr[name]: means[name] = [] stderr[name] = [] for i in range(self.t2.size): means[name].append(np.mean(ifr[name][str(i)], 0)) stderr[name].append( np.std(ifr[name][str(i)], 0) / np.sqrt(len(ifr[name][str(i)]))) return means, stderr
[docs] def get_ifr(self, probe_filter=None, bg_correct=None, ch_shift: int = 0): """ Returns the interferograms. If necessary, apply probefilter and background correction. Parameters ---------- probe_filter: float The probe filter width in channels. (Gaussian filter) bg_correct: Tuple[int, int] Number of left and right channels to use for background correction. ch_shift: int Number of channels to shift the Probe2 data. Corrects for missaligned channels. Returns ------- ifr: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] The interferograms for paralllel, perpendicular and isotropic polarisation. The shape of each array is (n_t2, n_probe_wn, n_t1). """ ifr = {} for name, l in self.h5_file['ifr_data'].items(): ifr[name] = [] for i in range(self.t2.size): ifr[name].append(l[str(i)]['mean']) para = self.is_para_array perp = "Probe2" if self.is_para_array == "Probe1" else "Probe1" para_means = np.stack(ifr[para], 0) perp_means = np.stack(ifr[perp], 0) if probe_filter is not None: para_means = gaussian_filter1d(para_means, probe_filter, 1, mode='nearest') perp_means = gaussian_filter1d(perp_means, probe_filter, 1, mode='nearest') if ch_shift > 0: para_means = para_means[:, :-ch_shift, :] perp_means = perp_means[:, ch_shift:, :] wn = self.probe_wn[ch_shift:] elif ch_shift < 0: para_means = para_means[:, -ch_shift:, :] perp_means = perp_means[:, :ch_shift, :] wn = self.probe_wn[:ch_shift] else: wn = self.probe_wn if bg_correct is not None: for i in range(para_means.shape[0]): poly_bg_correction(wn, para_means[i].T, bg_correct[0], bg_correct[1]) poly_bg_correction(wn, perp_means[i].T, bg_correct[0], bg_correct[1]) return para_means, perp_means, 2/3*perp_means + 1/3*para_means
[docs] def make_two_d(self, upsample: int = 4, window_fcn: Optional[Callable] = np.hanning, ch_shift: int = 1, probe_filter: Optional[float] = None, bg_correct: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, t0_factor: float = 0.5) -> Dict[str, TwoDim]: """ Calculates the 2D spectra from the interferograms and returns it as a dictionary. The dictorary contains messpy 2D-objects for paralllel, perpendicular and isotropic polarisation. Parameters ---------- upsample: int Upsampling factor used in the FFT. A factor over 2 only does sinc interpolation. window_fcn: Callable If given, apply a window function to the FFT. probe_filter: float The probe filter width in channels. (Gaussian filter) ch_shift: int Number of channels to shift the Probe2 data. Corrects for missaligned channels. bg_correct: Tuple[int, int] Number of left and right channels to use for background correction. t0_factor: float Factor to multiply the first t1 point (zero-delay between the pumps) to correct for the integration. In general, the default should not be touched. """ means = self.get_ifr(probe_filter=probe_filter, bg_correct=bg_correct, ch_shift=ch_shift) data = {pol: means[i] for i, pol in enumerate(['para', 'perp', 'iso'])} out = {} for k, v in data.items(): v[:, :, 0] *= t0_factor if window_fcn is not None: v = v * window_fcn(v.shape[2] * 2)[None, None, v.shape[2]:] sig = np.fft.rfft(v, axis=2, n=v.shape[2] * upsample).real self.pump_wn = THz2cm( np.fft.rfftfreq(upsample * v.shape[2], (self.t1[1] - self.t1[0]))) + self.rot_frame if ch_shift >= 0: probe_wn = self.probe_wn[ch_shift:] elif ch_shift < 0: probe_wn = self.probe_wn[:ch_shift] ds = TwoDim(self.t2, self.pump_wn, probe_wn, sig) out[k] = ds return out
[docs] def make_model_fitfiles(self, path, name, probe_filter=None, bg_correct=None): """ Saves the data in a format useable for the ModelFit Gui from Kevin Robben """ p = Path(path) p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) ifr = self.get_ifr(probe_filter=probe_filter, bg_correct=bg_correct) data = {pol: ifr[i] for i, pol in enumerate(['para', 'perp', 'iso'])} idx = np.argsort(self.probe_wn) for pol in ['para', 'perp', 'iso']: folder = p / pol folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for i, t in enumerate(self.t2): fname = folder / (name + '_%f.txt' % t) d = data[pol][i, idx, :] np.savetxt(fname, d) np.savetxt(p / 'pump_wn.txt', self.pump_wn) np.savetxt(p / 'probe_wn.calib', self.probe_wn[idx]) np.savetxt(p / 't1.txt', self.t1) np.savetxt(p / 't2.txt', self.t2) timestep = (self.t1[1] - self.t1[0]) * 1000 np.savetxt(p / f"rot_frame_{self.rot_frame: .0f}_t1_stepfs_{timestep: .0f}.txt", [self.rot_frame])
[docs] def recalculate_wl(self, center_wl=None, center_ch: int = 65, disp: Optional[float] = None): """ Recalculates the wavelengths from the probe. """ if disp is None: if np.diff(1e7 / self.probe_wn).max() < 6: disp = 7.8 / 2 else: disp = 7.8 wls = center_wl - disp * (np.arange(128) - center_ch) self.probe_wn = 1e7 / wls
[docs] class TzResult:
[docs] x0: float
[docs] sigma: float
[docs] fwhm: float
[docs] fit_result: lmfit.model.ModelResult
[docs] data: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
[docs] fig: Optional[plt.Figure] = None
[docs] def get_t0(fname: str, sigma: float = 1, scan: Union[int, slice] = -1, display_result: bool = True, plot: bool = True, t_range: Tuple[float, float] = (-2, 2), invert: bool = False, no_slope: bool = True) -> TzResult: """Determine t0 from a semiconductor messuarement in the IR. For that, it opens the given file, takes the mean of all channels and fits the resulting curve with a step function. Note that the parameter Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename of the messpy file containing the data sigma : float, optional Used for calculating the displayed nummerical derviate, by default 1. scan: int or slice Which scan to use, by default -1, the last scan. If given a slice, it takes the mean of the scan slice. display_result : bool, optional If true, show the fitting results, by default True plot : bool, optional If true, plot the result, by default True t_range : (float, flot) The range which is used to fit the data. invert : bool If true, invert data. no_slope : bool Determines if a variable slope is added to the fit model. Returns ------- TzResult Result and presentation of the fit. """ a = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True) if not fname[-11:] == 'messpy1.npz': if 'data' in a: data = a['data'] if isinstance(scan, slice): sig = np.nanmean(data[0, ..., scan], axis=-1) else: sig = data[0, ..., scan] sig = np.nanmean(sig[:, :, 1], axis=1) else: sig = np.nanmean(a['signal'], 1) t = a['t'] / 1000. else: data = a['data_Remote IR 32x2'] if isinstance(scan, slice): sig = np.nanmean(data[scan, ...], axis=0) else: sig = data[scan, ...] sig = np.nanmean(sig[0, :, 1, :], axis=-1) t = a['t'] if invert: sig = -sig idx = (t > t_range[0]) & (t < t_range[1]) sig = sig.squeeze()[idx] # from scipy.signal import savgol_filter # dsig = savgol_filter(sig, 11, 2, 1) dsig = gaussian_filter1d(sig, sigma=1, order=1) GaussStep = lmfit.Model(gauss_step) model = GaussStep + lmfit.models.LinearModel() max_diff_idx = np.argmax(abs(dsig)) params = model.make_params(amp=np.ptp(sig), center=t[idx][max_diff_idx], sigma=0.2, slope=0, intercept=sig.min()) if no_slope: params['slope'].vary = False params.add(lmfit.Parameter('FWHM', expr="sigma*2.355")) result =, data=sig, x=t[idx]) fig = None if display_result: import IPython.display IPython.display.display(result.params) if plot: fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, 1, figsize=(5, 7), ) axs[0].plot(t[idx], sig) tw = axs[0].twinx() tw.plot(t[idx], dsig, c='r', label='Nummeric Diff') tw.legend() # axs[1].plot(t[idx], dsig, color='red') axs[1].set_xlabel('t')[1]) result.plot_fit() axs[1].axvline(result.params['center'].value) res = TzResult( x0=result.params['center'], sigma=result.params['sigma'], fwhm=result.params['FWHM'], data=(t[idx], sig), fit_result=result, ) return res