Source code for skultrafast.nlo

Module containing helpers for small calculation involing nonlinear optics
# %%
from skultrafast.unit_conversions import c
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
import numpy as np

[docs] def tl_pulse_from_nm(center_wl: float, fhwm: float, shape: str = 'gauss') -> float: """ Calculates the transformlimted pulselength in fs from given center wavelength and fwhm in nanometers. Parameters ---------- center_wl : float fhwm : float shape : str, optional, by default 'gauss' Returns ------- float """ if shape == 'gauss': tbw = 0.44 elif shape == 'sech': tbw = 0.315 return tbw / (c*1e9 * fhwm / center_wl**2)*1e15
[docs] def pulse_length(t_in, phi_2): f = 4*np.log(2)*phi_2 / t_in**2 t_out = t_in * np.sqrt(1+f**2) return t_out
[docs] def dispersion(t_in, t_out): """ Estimates the amount of dispersion assuming form the pulse length a transform limited input pulse Parameters ---------- t_in : float [description] t_out : float [description] Returns ------- [type] [description] """ f = minimize_scalar(lambda x: (pulse_length(t_in, x) - t_out)**2) return f.x
[docs] def dist(d, alpha=10): a = np.deg2rad(alpha) lot = np.cos(a/2)*d dist = np.sin(a)*d return dist*2
[docs] tl = tl_pulse_from_nm(765, 20)
dispersion(tl, 120)/54 25/dist(5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(dpi=200)
[docs] d = np.linspace(4, 20, 100)
plt.plot(d, 2*np.floor(25.4/dist(d))) plt.setp(plt.gca(), xlabel='distance mirrors (mm)', ylabel='max. bounces') plt.annotate('Bounces at 10° AOI', (10, 25), fontsize='large') dist(280) # %% a = np.arange(1,7) for i in range(4): a = np.dstack((a, a)) a.shape # %% 6**4 # %% import itertools # %% a = itertools.product(range(1, 7), repeat=3) ar = np.array(list(a)) ar = ar.sum(1) #plt.hist(ar.sum(1), bins=np.arange(3, 20), histtype='step', density=True) plt.step(np.arange(ar.max()+1), np.bincount(ar)/len(ar))
[docs] a = itertools.product(range(1, 7), repeat=4)
ar = np.array(list(a))
[docs] ar = ar.sum(1)-ar.min()
#plt.hist(ar.sum(1), bins=np.arange(3, 25), histtype='step') plt.step(np.arange(ar.max()+1), np.bincount(ar)/len(ar)) # %%