Source code for skultrafast.plot_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 27 15:35:22 2014

@author: tillsten
import string
import math
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import skultrafast.dv as dv
from skultrafast.unit_conversions import fs2cm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, SymLogNorm
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
from scipy import interpolate
import lmfit

[docs] ma =
[docs] linewidth = 2
[docs] def ir_mode(): global freq_label global inv_freq global freq_unit freq_label = u'Wavenumber [cm$^{-1}$]' inv_freq = True freq_unit = u'cm$^{-1}$'
[docs] def vis_mode(): global freq_label global inv_freq global freq_unit freq_label = 'Wavelength [nm]' inv_freq = False freq_unit = 'nm'
[docs] time_label = 'Delay time [ps]'
[docs] time_unit = 'ps'
[docs] sig_label = 'Absorbance change [mOD]'
[docs] vib_label = 'Wavenumber [cm$^{-1}$]'
[docs] freq_label = 'Wavelength [nm]'
[docs] inv_freq = False
[docs] freq_unit = 'nm'
[docs] line_width = 1
[docs] def plot_singular_values(dat): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(dat) plt.vlines(np.arange(len(s)), 0, s, lw=3) plt.plot(np.arange(len(s)), s, 'o') plt.xlim(-1, 30) #plt.ylim(-1, ) plt.yscale('log') plt.minorticks_on() plt.title('Singular values') plt.xlabel('N') plt.ylabel('Value')
[docs] def make_dual_axis(ax: plt.Axes = None, axis='x', unit='nm', minor_ticks=True): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if axis == 'x': pseudo_ax = ax.twiny() limits = ax.get_xlim() u, l = 1e7 / np.array(limits) pseudo_ax.set_xlim(limits) sub_axis = pseudo_ax.xaxis elif axis == 'y': pseudo_ax = ax.twinx() limits = ax.get_ylim() u, l = 1e7 / np.array(limits) pseudo_ax.set_ylim(limits) sub_axis = pseudo_ax.yaxis else: raise ValueError('axis must be either x or y.') def conv(x, y): return '%.0f' % (1e7/x) ff = plt.FuncFormatter(conv) sub_axis.set_major_formatter(ff) major = [1000, 500, 200, 100, 50] minor = [200, 100, 50, 25, 10] for x, m in zip(major, minor): a, b = math.ceil(u / x), math.ceil(l / x) n = abs(b - a) if n > 4: ticks = np.arange( a * x, b * x, x, ) a, b = math.floor(u / m), math.floor(l / m) min_ticks = np.arange(a * m, b * m, m) break sub_axis.set_ticks(1e7 / ticks) sub_axis.set_ticks(1e7 / min_ticks, minor=True) if minor_ticks: ax.minorticks_on() # pseudo_ax.minorticks_on() if unit == 'nm': sub_axis.set_label('Wavelengths [nm]') elif unit == 'cm': sub_axis.set_label('Wavenumber [1/cm]')
[docs] def plot_svd_components(tup, n=4, from_t=None): wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, if from_t: idx =, from_t) t = t[idx:] d = d[idx:, :] u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(d) ax1: plt.Axes = plt.subplot(311) ax1.set_xlim(-1, t.max()) lbl_trans() plt.minorticks_off() ax1.set_xscale('symlog') ax2 = plt.subplot(312) lbl_spec() plt.ylabel('') for i in range(n): ax1.plot(t, u.T[i], label=str(i)) ax2.plot(wl, v[i]) ax1.legend() plt.subplot(313) plot_singular_values(d) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def make_angle_plot(wl, t, para, senk, t_range): p = para s = senk t0, t1 =, t_range[0]),, t_range[1]) pd = p[t0:t1, :].mean(0) sd = s[t0:t1, :].mean(0) ax = plt.subplot(211) ax.plot(wl, pd) ax.plot(wl, sd) ax.axhline(0, c='k') ax.legend(['Parallel', 'Perpendicular'], columnspacing=0.3, ncol=2, frameon=0) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_ylabel(sig_label) ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.text(0.05, 0.1, 'Signal average\nfor %.1f...%.0f ps' % t_range, transform=ax.transAxes) # horizontalalignment='center') ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax) d = pd / sd ang = np.arccos(np.sqrt((2*d - 1) / (d+2))) / np.pi * 180 ax2.plot(wl, ang, 'o-') ax2.set_ylim(0, 90) ax2.set_ylabel('Angle / Degrees') ax3 = plt.twinx() ax3.plot(wl, ang, lw=0) ax2.invert_xaxis() def f(x): return "%.1f" % (to_dichro(float(x) / 180. * np.pi)) ax2.set_ylim(0, 90) def to_angle(d): return np.arccos(np.sqrt((2*d - 1) / (d+2))) / np.pi * 180 def to_dichro(x): return (1 + 2 * np.cos(x)**2) / (2 - np.cos(x)**2) n_ticks = ax2.yaxis.get_ticklocs() ratio_ticks = np.array([0.5, 0.7, 1., 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3.]) ax3.yaxis.set_ticks(to_angle(ratio_ticks)) ax3.yaxis.set_ticklabels([i for i in ratio_ticks]) ax3.set_ylabel('$A_\\parallel / A_\\perp$') ax2.set_title('Angle calculated from dichroic ratio', fontsize='x-small') plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 1], h_pad=0) return ax, ax2, ax3
[docs] def make_angle_plot2(wl, t, para, senk, t_range): p = para s = senk t0, t1 =, t_range[0]),, t_range[1]) pd = p[t0:t1, :].mean(0) sd = s[t0:t1, :].mean(0) ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(wl, pd) ax.plot(wl, sd) ax.plot([], [], 's-', color='k') ax.axhline(0, c='k', zorder=1.9) ax.invert_xaxis() # ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_ylabel(sig_label) ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') ax.text(0.05, 0.05, 'Signal average\nfor %.1f...%.1f ps' % t_range, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(['parallel', 'perpendicular', 'angle'], columnspacing=0.3, ncol=3, frameon=0) # horizontalalignment='center') ax2 = plt.twinx(ax) d = pd / sd ang = np.arccos(np.sqrt((2*d - 1) / (d+2))) / np.pi * 180 ax2.plot(wl, ang, 's-', color='k') for i in np.arange(10, 90, 10): ax2.axhline(i, c='gray', linestyle='-.', zorder=1.8, lw=.5, alpha=0.5) ax2.set_ylim(0, 90) ax2.set_ylabel('angle / degrees')
[docs] def lbl_spec(ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(freq_label) ax.set_ylabel(sig_label) if inv_freq: x, y = ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xlim(sorted((x, y))[::-1]) c = plt.rcParams['grid.color'] ax.axhline(0, c=c, zorder=1.5) ax.minorticks_on()
# plt.minorticks_on()
[docs] def lbl_trans(ax=None, use_symlog=True): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(time_label) ax.set_ylabel(sig_label) c = plt.rcParams['grid.color'] ax.axhline(0, c=c, zorder=1.5) if use_symlog: symticks(ax, axis='x') ax.axvline(1, c='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.5) ax.set_xlim(-.2) else: ax.minorticks_on()
[docs] def lbl_map(ax=None, use_symlog=True): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlabel(freq_label) ax.set_ylabel(time_label) if use_symlog: symticks(ax, axis='y') ax.axhline(1, c='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.5) ax.set_ylim(-.5)
[docs] def plot_trans(tup, wls, symlog=True, norm=False, marker=None, ax=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, ulim = -np.inf llim = np.inf plotted_vals = [] l = [] for i in wls: idx =, i) dat = d[:, idx] if norm is True: dat = np.sign(dat[np.argmax(abs(dat))]) * dat / abs(dat).max() elif norm is False: pass else: dat = dat / dat[, norm)] plotted_vals.append(dat) l.extend( ax.plot(t, dat, label='%.1f %s' % (wl[idx], freq_unit), marker=marker, **kwargs)) ulim = np.percentile(plotted_vals, 99.) + 0.5 llim = np.percentile(plotted_vals, 1.) - 0.5 ax.set_xlabel(time_label) ax.set_ylabel(sig_label) #plt.ylim(llim, ulim) if symlog: ax.set_xscale('symlog', linthresh=1) ax.axvline(1, c='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.9) symticks(ax) ax.axhline(0, color='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.9) ax.set_xlim(-.5, ) ax.legend(loc='best', ncol=2, title='Wavelength') return l
[docs] def mean_tup(tup, time): wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, new_dat = /[, time), :] return dv.tup(wl, t, new_dat)
[docs] def plot_ints(tup, wls, factors=None, symlog=True, norm=False, is_wavelength=True, ax=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, lines = [] plotted_vals = [] for i in wls: dat = dv.spec_int(tup, i, is_wavelength) if norm is True: dat = np.sign(dat[np.argmax(abs(dat))]) * dat / abs(dat).max() elif norm is False: pass else: dat = dat / dat[, norm)] plotted_vals.append(dat) idx1, idx2 =, i) label = 'From {0: .1f} - {1: .1f} {2}'.format(wl[idx1], wl[idx2], freq_unit) lines += ax.plot(t, dat, label=label, **kwargs) lbl_trans(ax) ax.set_xlim(-.5, ) if symlog: ax.set_xscale('symlog') ax.axvline(1, c='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.9) symticks(ax) ax.axhline(0, color='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.9) ax.legend(loc='best', ncol=1) return lines
[docs] def plot_diff(tup, t0, t_list, **kwargs): diff = -[, t0), :] plot_spec(dv.tup(tup.wl, tup.t, diff), t_list, **kwargs)
[docs] def time_formatter(time, unit='ps'): mag = np.floor(np.log10(abs(time))) if time > 5: return '%.0f %s' % (time, unit) if time > 1: return '%.1f %s' % (time, unit) else: return '%1.2f %s' % (time, unit)
[docs] def plot_spec(tup, t_list, ax=None, norm=False, **kwargs): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() wl, t, d = tup.wl, tup.t, li = [] for i in t_list: idx =, i) dat = d[idx, :] if norm: dat = dat / abs(dat).max() li += ax.plot(wl, dat, label=time_formatter(t[idx], time_unit), **kwargs) #ulim = np.percentile(plotted_vals, 98.) + 0.1 #llim = np.percentile(plotted_vals, 2.) - 0.1 ax.set_xlabel(freq_label) ax.set_ylabel(sig_label) ax.autoscale(1, 'x', 1) ax.axhline(0, color='k', lw=0.5, zorder=1.9) ax.legend(loc='best', ncol=2, title='Delay time') return li
[docs] def mean_spec(wl, t, p, t_range, ax=None, pos=(0.1, 0.1), markers=['o', '^']): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if not isinstance(p, list): p = [p] if not isinstance(t_range, list): t_range = [t_range] l = [] for j, (x, y) in enumerate(t_range): for i, d in enumerate(p): t0, t1 =, x),, y) pd = np.mean(d[t0:t1, :], 0) lw = 2 if i == 0 else 1 l += ax.plot(wl, pd, color='C%d' % j, marker=markers[i], lw=lw, mec='none', ms=3) ax.text(pos[0], pos[1] + j*0.07, '%.1f - %.1f ps' % (t[t0], t[t1]), color='C%d' % j, transform=ax.transAxes) lbl_spec(ax) if len(t_range) == 1: print(len(p)) ax.set_title('mean signal from {0:.1f} to {1:.1f} ps'.format(t[t0], t[t1])) return l
[docs] def nice_map(wl, t, d, lvls=20, linthresh=10, linscale=1, norm=None, linscaley=1, cmap='coolwarm', **kwargs): if norm is None: norm = SymLogNorm(linthresh, linscale=linscale) con = plt.contourf(wl, t, d, lvls, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) cb = plt.colorbar(pad=0.02) cb.set_label(sig_label) plt.contour(wl, t, d, lvls, norm=norm, colors='black', lw=.5, linestyles='solid') plt.yscale('symlog', linthresh=1, linscale=linscaley, suby=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) plt.ylim(-.5, ) plt.xlabel(freq_label) plt.ylabel(time_label) return con
[docs] def nice_lft_map(tup, taus, coefs, show_sums=False, **kwargs): cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', 'seismic') plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 4)) ax = plt.subplot(111) #norm = SymLogNorm(linthresh=0.3) norm = kwargs.pop('norm', MidPointNorm(0)) m = np.abs(coefs[:, :]).max() c = ax.pcolormesh(tup.wl, taus[:], coefs[:, :], cmap=cmap, vmin=-m, vmax=m, norm=norm, **kwargs) cb = plt.colorbar(c, pad=0.01) cb.set_label('Amplitude') ax.set_yscale('log') plt.autoscale(1, 'both', 'tight') #ax.set_ylim(None, 60) plt.minorticks_on() ax.set_xlabel(freq_label) ax.set_ylabel('Decay constant [ps]') if inv_freq: ax.invert_xaxis() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) if show_sums: axt = divider.append_axes("left", size=.5, sharey=ax, pad=0.05) pos = np.where(coefs > 0, coefs, 0).sum(1) neg = np.where(coefs < 0, coefs, 0).sum(1) axt.plot(pos[:len(taus)], taus, 'r', label='pos.') axt.plot(-neg[:len(taus)], taus, 'b', label='neg.') axt.plot(abs(coefs).sum(1)[:len(taus)], taus, 'k', label='abs.') axt.legend(frameon=False, loc='best') axt.invert_xaxis() #axt.plot(out[0].T[:, wi(1513):].sum(1), taus) #axt.plot(3*out[0].T[:, :wi(1513)].sum(1), taus) #plt.autoscale(1, 'y', 'tight') axt.set_ylabel('Decay constant [ps]') axt.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) axt.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) ax.tick_params(labelleft=0) else: ax.set_ylabel('Decay constant [ps]') if 0: axt = divider.append_axes("top", size=1, sharex=ax, pad=0.1) axt.plot(tup.wl, out[0].T[, 0.2), :].sum(0)) axt.plot(tup.wl, out[0].T[, 0.3), 1), :].sum(0)) axt.plot(tup.wl, out[0].T[, 1), 5), :].sum(0)) axt.plot(tup.wl, out[0].T[, 5), 10), :].sum(0)) axt.xaxis.tick_top() axt.axhline(0, c='k', zorder=1.9) plt.autoscale(1, 'both', 'tight')
[docs] def plot_freqs(tup, wl, from_t, to_t, taus=[1]): ti = dv.make_fi(tup.t) wi = dv.make_fi(tup.wl) tl = tup.t[ti(from_t):ti(to_t)] trans =[ti(from_t):ti(to_t), wi(wl)] #ax1 = plt.subplot(311) #ax1.plot(tl, trans) dt = dv.exp_detrend(trans, tl, taus) #ax1.plot(tl, -dt+trans) #ax2 = plt.subplot(312) ax3 = plt.subplot(111) f = abs(np.fft.fft(np.kaiser(2 * dt.size, 2) * dt, dt.size * 2))**2 freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(dt.size * 2, tup.t[ti(from_t) + 1] - tup.t[ti(from_t)]) n = freqs.size // 2 ax3.plot(dv.fs2cm(1000 / freqs[1:n]), f[1:n]) ax3.set_xlabel('freq / cm$^{-1}$') return dv.fs2cm(1000 / freqs[1:n]), f[1:n]
[docs] def plot_fft(x, y, min_amp=0.2, order=1, padding=2, power=1, ax=None): from scipy.signal import argrelmax if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() f = abs(np.fft.fft(y, padding * y.size))**power freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(padding * x.size, x[1] - x[0]) n = freqs.size // 2 + 1 fr_cm = -fs2cm(1000 / freqs[n:]) ax.plot(fr_cm, f[n:]) ax.set_xlabel('Wavenumber / cm$^{-1}$') ax.set_ylabel('FFT amplitude') for i in argrelmax(f[n:], order=1)[0]: if f[n + i] > min_amp: ax.text(fr_cm[i], f[n + i], '%d' % fr_cm[i], ha='center', va='bottom')
[docs] def plot_coef_spec(taus, wl, coefs, div): tau_coefs = coefs[:, :len(taus)] div.append(taus.max() + 1) ti = dv.make_fi(taus) last_idx = 0 non_zeros = ~(coefs.sum(0) == 0) for i in div: idx = ti(i) cur_taus = taus[last_idx:idx] cur_nonzeros = non_zeros[last_idx:idx] lbl = "%.1f - %.1f ps" % (taus[last_idx], taus[idx]) plt.plot(wl, tau_coefs[:, last_idx:idx].sum(-1), label=lbl) last_idx = ti(i) plt.plot(wl, coefs[:, -1]) plt.legend(title='Decay regions', loc='best') lbl_spec() plt.title("Spectrum of lft-parts")
[docs] class MidPointNorm(Normalize): def __init__(self, midpoint=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, clip=False): Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip) self.midpoint = midpoint
[docs] def __call__(self, value, clip=None): if clip is None: clip = self.clip result, is_scalar = self.process_value(value) self.autoscale_None(result) vmin, vmax, midpoint = self.vmin, self.vmax, self.midpoint if not (vmin < midpoint < vmax): raise ValueError("midpoint must be between maxvalue and minvalue.") elif vmin == vmax: result.fill(0) # Or should it be all masked? Or 0.5? elif vmin > vmax: raise ValueError("maxvalue must be bigger than minvalue") else: vmin = float(vmin) vmax = float(vmax) if clip: mask = ma.getmask(result) result = ma.array(np.clip(result.filled(vmax), vmin, vmax), mask=mask) # ma division is very slow; we can take a shortcut resdat = # First scale to -1 to 1 range, than to from 0 to 1. resdat -= midpoint resdat[resdat > 0] /= abs(vmax - midpoint) resdat[resdat < 0] /= abs(vmin - midpoint) resdat /= 2. resdat += 0.5 result =, mask=result.mask, copy=False) if is_scalar: result = result[0] return result
[docs] def inverse(self, value): if not self.scaled(): raise ValueError("Not invertible until scaled") vmin, vmax, midpoint = self.vmin, self.vmax, self.midpoint if cbook.iterable(value): val = ma.asarray(value) val = 2 * (val-0.5) val[val > 0] *= abs(vmax - midpoint) val[val < 0] *= abs(vmin - midpoint) val += midpoint return val else: val = 2 * (val-0.5) if val < 0: return val * abs(vmin - midpoint) + midpoint else: return val * abs(vmax - midpoint) + midpoint
[docs] def fit_semiconductor(t, data, sav_n=11, sav_deg=4, mode='sav', tr=0.4): from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d from scipy.optimize import leastsq ger = data[..., -1].sum(2).squeeze() plt.subplot(121) plt.title('Germanium sum') plt.plot(t, ger[:, 0]) plt.plot(t, ger[:, 1]) if mode == 'sav': plt.plot(t, savgol_filter(ger[:, 0], sav_n, sav_deg, 0)) plt.plot(t, savgol_filter(ger[:, 1], sav_n, sav_deg, 0)) plt.xlim(-1, 3) plt.subplot(122) plt.title('First dervitate') if mode == 'sav': derv0 = savgol_filter(ger[:, 0], sav_n, sav_deg, 1) derv1 = savgol_filter(ger[:, 1], sav_n, sav_deg, 1) elif mode == 'gauss': derv0 = gaussian_filter1d(ger[:, 0], sav_n, order=1) derv1 = gaussian_filter1d(ger[:, 1], sav_n, order=1) plt.plot(t, derv0) plt.plot(t, derv1) plt.xlim(-.8, .8) plt.ylim(0, 700) plt.minorticks_on() plt.grid(1) def gaussian(p, ch, res=True): i, j =, -tr),, tr) w = p[0] A = p[1] x0 = p[2] fit = A * np.exp(-(t[i:j] - x0)**2 / (2 * w**2)) if res: return fit - ch[i:j] else: return fit x0 = leastsq(gaussian, [.2, max(derv0), 0], derv0) plt.plot( t[, -tr), tr)], gaussian(x0[0], 0, 0), '--k', ) plt.text(0.05, 0.9, 'x$_0$ = %.2f\nFWHM = %.2f\nA = %.1f\n' % (x0[0][2], 2.35 * x0[0][0], x0[0][1]), transform=plt.gca().transAxes, va='top') x0 = leastsq(gaussian, [.2, max(derv1), 0], derv1) plt.plot( t[, -tr), tr)], gaussian(x0[0], 1, 0), '--b', ) plt.xlim(-.8, .8) plt.minorticks_on() plt.grid(0) plt.tight_layout() plt.text(0.5, 0.9, 'x$_0$ = %.2f\nFWHM = %.2f\nA = %.1f\n' % (x0[0][2], 2.35 * x0[0][0], x0[0][1]), transform=plt.gca().transAxes, va='top')
[docs] def stack_ax(num_rows=2, num_cols=1, height_rations=[2, 1]): gs = plt.GridSpec(num_rows, num_cols, wspace=0, hspace=0, height_ratios=height_rations) # disable ticklabels axes = [] for r in range(num_rows): row = [] for c in range(num_cols): ax = plt.subplot(gs[r, c]) row.append(ax) if r != num_rows: ax.tick_params(label_bottom=False) if c != 0: ax.tick_params(label_left=False) axes.append(row) return axes
[docs] def nsf(num, n=1): """n-Significant Figures""" if num > 30: return '%4.0f' % np.around(num, -1) if num > 10: return '%4.0f' % num if num > 1: return '%4.1f' % num if num < 1: return '%4.2f' % num
[docs] def error_string(val: float, err: float, valname: Optional[str] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Returns a string with the value and error with correct siginificant figures""" digits = np.floor(np.log10(err)) rounded_up = np.ceil(err * 10**(-digits)) fmt = f"{{:.{int(-digits)}f}}" val_str = fmt.format(val) err_str = fmt.format(rounded_up * 10**digits) s = f"{val_str} ± {err_str}" if valname is not None: s = f"{valname} = {s}" if unit is not None: s += f" {unit}" return s
[docs] def error_string_lmfit(param: lmfit.Parameter, valname: Optional[str] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Returns a string with the value and error with correct siginificant figures""" return error_string(param.value, param.stderr, valname, unit)
[docs] def fig_fixed_axes(axes_shape: Tuple[int, int], axes_size: Tuple[float, float], padding: float = 0.3, left_margin: float = 0.45, bot_margin: float = 0.42, hspace: float = 0.1, vspace: float = 0.1, xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """Helper funtion to generate a figure form axes sizes given in inches""" bots = np.arange( 0, axes_shape[0]) * (axes_size[0] + vspace) + padding + bot_margin - vspace tops = bots + axes_size[0] lefts = np.arange( 0, axes_shape[1]) * (axes_size[1] + hspace) + padding + left_margin - hspace rights = lefts + axes_size[1] figsize = (rights.max() + padding, tops.max() + padding) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, **kwargs) tr = fig.dpi_scale_trans + fig.transFigure.inverted() arrs = [] first_ax = None for i in range(axes_shape[0]): cols = [] for j in range(axes_shape[1]): x0, y0 = tr.transform((lefts[j], bots[i])) w, h = tr.transform((axes_size[1], axes_size[0])) ax = fig.add_axes((x0, y0, w, h), sharex=first_ax, sharey=first_ax) if first_ax is None: first_ax = ax ax.tick_params(labelbottom=(i == 0), labelleft=(j == 0)) cols.append(ax) arrs.append(cols) if ylabel: x, y = tr.transform((padding, (tops.max() + bots.min()) / 2)) fig.text(x, y, ylabel, rotation=90, ha='center', va='center') if xlabel: x, y = tr.transform(((lefts.max() + rights.min()) / 2, padding)) fig.text(x, y, xlabel, ha='center', va='center') return fig, np.array(arrs)[::-1, :]
[docs] def symticks(ax, linthresh=1, linstep=0.2, axis='x'): l, r = ax.get_xlim() if axis == 'x' else ax.get_ylim() axis = ax.xaxis if axis == 'x' else ax.yaxis m = max(l, r) k = min(l, r) major = int(np.floor(np.log10(m))) log_start = int(np.floor(np.log10(linthresh))) lin_pos = np.arange(-linthresh, 0, linstep)[1:] major_pos = 10.0**np.arange(log_start, major + 1, dtype=float) minor_pos = [np.arange(2, 10) * 10**i for i in range(log_start, major)] rest = np.arange(np.ceil(m / 10**major)) * 10**major minor_pos = np.array(minor_pos).flat axis.set_ticks(np.hstack((-lin_pos, lin_pos[lin_pos > k], minor_pos, rest)), minor=True) axis.set_ticks(np.hstack((0, major_pos))) axis.set_major_formatter(plt.ScalarFormatter())
[docs] def lbl_axes(axs=None, pos=(-.2, -.2), fmt="(%s)", labels=None, **kwargs): """Labels the axes in figure Parameters ---------- axs : List[plt.Axes], optional The axes to label, by default None pos : tuple, optional x, y position of the label in axis coordinates , by default (-.2, -.2) fmt : str, optional Format string, by default "(%s)" labels : [type], optional The label, by default None, resulting in a, b, c, ... kwargs: will be passed to ax.text. """ if axs is None: axs = plt.gcf().get_axes() if labels is None: labels = string.ascii_lowercase text_kwargs = dict(weight='bold', fontsize='large') text_kwargs.update(kwargs) for i, a in enumerate(axs): a.text(pos[0], pos[1], fmt % labels[i], transform=a.transAxes, **text_kwargs)
[docs] def ci_plot(ci_dict, trace): """ Plots the given CI intervals. Needs the trace output from coinfidence intervals. Currently assumes the CI are calculated for 1,2 and 3 sigmas. Parameters ---------- ci_dict : dict Out trace : dict Trace dict """ n = len(ci_dict) fig, ax = plt.subplots(n, 1, figsize=(1.5, n * 0.8), gridspec_kw=dict(hspace=0.5)) for i, (pname, vals) in enumerate(ci_dict.items()): para_trace = trace[pname] idx = np.argsort(para_trace[pname]) center = vals[len(vals) // 2][1] arr = np.array(vals) b = -.2 x, y = trace[pname][pname][idx], 1 - trace[pname]['prob'][idx] u, l = arr[[0, -1], 1] r = (x > u) & (x < l) xn = np.linspace(u, l, 100) un, idx = np.unique(x, return_index=True) yn = np.interp(xn, x[idx], y[idx]) yn = interpolate.interp1d(x[idx], y[idx], 'quadratic', fill_value=0)(xn) ax[i].plot(arr[[0, -1], 1], [b, b], lw=1, c='k') ax[i].plot(arr[[1, -2], 1], [b, b], lw=3, c='k') ax[i].plot(arr[[2, -3], 1], [b, b], lw=5, c='k') ax[i].plot(center, b, 'wx') ax[i].plot(x[r], y[r], 'o', ms=3, mec='None', clip_on=False) ax[i].fill_between(xn, 0, yn, lw=0, alpha=0.8) ax[i].set_ylim(-.35, 1.03) for n in 'top', 'left', 'right': ax[i].spines[n].set_visible(False) ax[i].yaxis.set_tick_params(left=False, labelleft=False) ax[i].annotate(pname, (0.05, 0.90), xycoords='axes fraction') fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def get_fonts() -> List[str]: import matplotlib.font_manager families = [] try: fpaths = matplotlib.font_manager.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext='ttf') for i in fpaths: f = matplotlib.font_manager.get_font(i) families.append(f.family_name) except RuntimeError: families = [] return families
[docs] def enable_style(): plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w' plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (3.2, 2.3) plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 9 s = set(('Arial', 'Helvetica')).intersection(set(get_fonts())) if len(s) > 0: plt.rcParams[''] = list(s) plt.rcParams['text.hinting'] = 'either' plt.rcParams['savefig.pad_inches'] = 0.05 plt.rcParams['savefig.bbox'] = 'tight' plt.rcParams['legend.borderaxespad'] = 0.2 plt.rcParams['legend.columnspacing'] = 0.3 plt.rcParams['legend.handletextpad'] = 0.2 plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'small' plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False plt.rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset'] = False
[docs] def scale_y(lines: List[plt.Line2D], scale: float, x_range: Tuple[float, float]): """ Muliplies the y-data of the given lines by the given scale in the given range. Also inserts a Nan at the beginning and end of the range to prevent the line from being connected to the rest of the data. Parameters ---------- lines : List[plt.Line2D] The lines to scale scale : float The scale factor range : Tuple[float, float] The range in which to scale """ for l in lines: x, y = l.get_data() x_range = sorted(x_range) idx = (x > x_range[0]) & (x < x_range[1]) y[idx] *= scale first, last = np.argmax(idx), len(idx) - np.argmax(idx[::-1]) x = np.insert(x, [first, last], np.nan) y = np.insert(y, [first, last], np.nan) l.set_data(x, y)