Source code for skultrafast.quickcontrol

Module to import and work with files generated by QuickControl from phasetech.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sized, Tuple, Union

import attr
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d

from skultrafast.unit_conversions import THz2cm, cm2THz
from skultrafast.dataset import PolTRSpec, TimeResSpec
from skultrafast.twoD_dataset import TwoDim
from skultrafast.utils import poly_bg_correction, inbetween

[docs] def parse_str(s: str): """ Parse entry of info file Parameters ---------- s : str Value Returns ------- obj Corresponding python type """ if s.isnumeric(): return int(s) elif set(s) - set('-.0123456789E') == set(): # Try is a workaround for the version string try: return float(s) except ValueError: return s elif set(s) - set('-.0123456789E,') == set(): return list(map(float, s.split(','))) elif s == 'TRUE': return True elif s == 'FALSE': return False else: return s
[docs] class QCFile: """ Base class for QC files. """
[docs] fname: str = attr.ib()
"""Full path to info file"""
[docs] path: Path = attr.ib()
"""Directory of the info file"""
[docs] prefix: str = attr.ib()
[docs] info: dict = attr.ib()
"""Content of the info file""" @path.default
[docs] def _path(self): return Path(self.fname).parent
[docs] def _prefix(self): return Path(self.fname).with_suffix('').name
[docs] def _load_info(self): h = [] d = {} with (self.path / self.prefix).with_suffix('.info').open() as info_file: for l in info_file: key, val = l.split('\t') val = val[:-1].strip() d[key] = parse_str(val) return d
[docs] class QCBaserTimeRes(QCFile):
[docs] wavelength: np.ndarray = attr.ib()
"""Wavelength data calculated from given grating and mono wavelength""" @wavelength.default
[docs] def calc_wl(self, disp=None): if disp is None: grating =['MONO1 Grating'] disp_per_grating = {'30': 7.7, '75': 7.7 * 30 / 75.} disp = disp_per_grating[grating.split()[2]] wls = (np.arange(128) - 64) * disp +['MONO1 Wavelength'] self.wavelength = wls return wls
[docs] def wavenumbers(self): return 1e7 / self.wavelength
[docs] class QC1DSpec(QCBaserTimeRes): """Helper class to load time resolved spectra measured with QuickControl"""
[docs] t: Iterable[float] = attr.ib()
"""Delay times """
[docs] par_data: np.ndarray = attr.ib()
""""Contains the data from one channel"""
[docs] per_data: np.ndarray = attr.ib()
""""Contains the data from one channel""" @par_data.default
[docs] def _load_par(self): par_scan_files = self.path.glob(self.prefix + '*_PAR*.scan') return np.array([np.loadtxt(p)[:-1, 1:] for p in par_scan_files])
[docs] def _load_per(self): per_scan_files = self.path.glob(self.prefix + '*_PER*.scan') return np.array([np.loadtxt(p)[:-1, 1:] for p in per_scan_files])
[docs] def _t_default(self): t_list = np.array(['Delays']) if['Delay Units'] == 'fs': t_list /= 1000. return t_list
[docs] def make_pol_ds(self, sigma=None) -> PolTRSpec: para = np.nanmean(self.par_data, axis=0) ds_para = TimeResSpec(self.wavelength, self.t, 1000 * para, disp_freq_unit='cm') perp = np.nanmean(self.per_data, axis=0) ds_perp = TimeResSpec(self.wavelength, self.t, 1000 * perp, disp_freq_unit='cm') return PolTRSpec(ds_para, ds_perp)
[docs] class QC2DSpec(QCBaserTimeRes): """Helper class to load 2D-spectra measured with QuickControl"""
[docs] t: np.ndarray = attr.ib()
"""Waiting times"""
[docs] t2: np.ndarray = attr.ib()
"""t2, the inter-pulse delays between pump pulses"""
[docs] par_data: Dict = attr.ib()
"""Data for parallel polarization"""
[docs] per_data: Dict = attr.ib()
"""Data for perpendicular polarization"""
[docs] par_spec: Optional[Dict] = None
"""Resulting 2D spectra for parallel polarization"""
[docs] per_spec: Optional[Dict] = None
"""Resulting 2D spectra for perpendicular polarization"""
[docs] probe_filter: Optional[float] = None
"""Size of the filter applied to the spectral axis. 'None' is no filtering"""
[docs] upsampling: int = 2
"""Upsamling factor of the pump-axis"""
[docs] pump_freq: np.ndarray = attr.ib() # type: ignore
""" Resulting wavenumbers of the pump axis. """
[docs] bg_correct: Optional[Tuple] = None
""" If given, the size of the left and right region used to calculate the signal background which will be subtracted """
[docs] win_function: Optional[Callable] = np.hamming
""" Window function used for apodization. The coded will the window-function with `2*len(t2)` and uses only the second half of the returned array. """ @t.default
[docs] def _t_default(self): t_list = np.array(['Waiting Time Delays']) if['Waiting Time Delay Units'] == 'fs': t_list /= 1000 return t_list
[docs] def _load_t2(self): end =['Final Delay (fs)'] step =['Step Size (fs)'] return np.arange(0.0, end + 1, step) / 1000.
[docs] def _loader(self, which: str): data_dict: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} for t in range(len(self.t)): T = '_T%02d' % (t+1) pol_scans = self.path.glob(self.prefix + T + f'_{which}*.scan') data = [] for s in pol_scans: d = np.loadtxt(s) self.t2 = d[1:, 0] data.append(d) if len(data) > 0: d = np.array(data) data_dict[t] = d else: self.t = self.t[:t + 1] break return data_dict
[docs] def switch_pol(self): self.par_data, self.per_data = self.per_data, self.par_data self.par_spec, self.per_spec = self.per_spec, self.par_spec
[docs] def calc_spec(self): par_dict: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} perp_dict: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} for i, data in enumerate((self.par_data, self.per_data)): for t in data: d = np.nanmean(data[t], 0) d = d[:-1, 1:] if self.probe_filter is not None: d = gaussian_filter1d(d, self.probe_filter, -1, mode='nearest') if self.bg_correct: poly_bg_correction(self.wavelength, d, self.bg_correct[0], self.bg_correct[1]) d[0, :] *= 0.5 if self.win_function is not None: win = self.win_function(2 * len(self.t2)) else: win = np.ones(2 * len(self.t2)) spec = np.fft.rfft(d * win[len(self.t2):, None], axis=0, n=self.upsampling * len(self.t2)) (par_dict, perp_dict)[i][t] = spec.real return par_dict, perp_dict
[docs] def _load_par(self): return self._loader('PAR')
[docs] def _load_per(self): return self._loader('PER')
[docs] def _calc_freqs(self): freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(self.upsampling * len(self.t2), self.t2[1] - self.t2[0]) om0 =['Rotating Frame (Scanned)'] with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): cm = 10 / ((1/freqs) * 1e-12 * speed_of_light) + om0 cm[0] = om0 return cm
[docs] def make_ds(self) -> Dict[str, TwoDim]: par, perp = self.calc_spec() self.pump_freq = self._calc_freqs() par_arr = np.dstack(list(par.values())).T per_arr = np.dstack(list(perp.values())).T iso = (2*per_arr + par_arr) / 3 d = { 'para': TwoDim(t=self.t, pump_wn=self.pump_freq, probe_wn=self.wavenumbers, spec2d=par_arr), 'perp': TwoDim(t=self.t, pump_wn=self.pump_freq, probe_wn=self.wavenumbers, spec2d=per_arr), 'iso': TwoDim(t=self.t, pump_wn=self.pump_freq, probe_wn=self.wavenumbers, spec2d=iso) } return d