Source code for skultrafast.utils

"""Module with various utility functions. Was called dv in older Versions."""
from typing import Optional
from attr import field, dataclass
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.stats import median_abs_deviation
from .unit_conversions import cm2THz

import functools
import wrapt

[docs] def weighted_binning(x, arr, bins, weights=None): """ Bins a 1D array to given bins using weights. """ weights_total, _ = np.histogram(x, bins, weights=weights) if weights is None: weights = 1 binned_total, _ = np.histogram(x, bins, weights=arr * weights) return binned_total / weights_total
[docs] def simulate_binning(wrapped=None, *, fac=5): """ Simulates """ if wrapped is None: return functools.partial(simulate_binning, fac=fac) @wrapt.decorator def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): wl = kwargs['wl'] n = fac * wl.size dx = abs(wl[1] - wl[0]) mids = (wl[:1] + wl[1:]) / 2. upsampled = np.linspace(wl.min() - dx, wl.max() + dx, n) idx = np.digitize(upsampled, mids) kwargs['wl'] = upsampled counts = np.bincount(idx) result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return np.bincount(idx, result) / counts return wrapper(wrapped)
[docs] def sigma_clip(data, sigma: float = 3, max_iter: int = 5, axis: int = -1, use_mad: bool = False): """Masks outliers by iteratively removing points outside given standard deviations. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray The data array. sigma : float All data outside +/- sigma*std will be masked in each iteration. max_iter : int How many iterations are done. If a new iteration does not mask new values, the function will break the loop. Returns ------- Array with outliers being masked. """ data = num_masked = 0 for _ in range(max_iter): median =, axis, keepdims=1) if use_mad: std = median_abs_deviation(data, axis=1) else: std =, axis, keepdims=1) upper, lower = median + sigma*std, median - sigma*std data =, upper, copy=False) data =, lower, copy=False) n = data.mask.sum() if n == num_masked: break else: num_masked = n return data
[docs] def gauss_step(x, amp: float, center: float, sigma: float): """Returns the stepfunction (erf-style) for given arguments. Parameters ---------- x : array Independent variable amp : float Amplitude of the step center : float Position of the step sigma : float Width of the step Returns ------- array The step functions """ return amp * 0.5 * (1 + erf((x-center) / sigma / np.sqrt(2)))
[docs] def pfid_r4(T, om, om_10, T_2): """ Calculates the PFID contribution for pure bleaching. See the PFID tutorial for a longer explanation. The function does broadcasting, hence it is possible to calculate the PFID contributions of serveral bands at once. For that, om_10 and T_2 must have the same shape. Parameters ---------- T : 1D-ndarry Delays between pump and probe. The formula assume a postive delays. om : 1D-ndarray Array of frequencies given in wavenumbers (cm-1). om_10 : 1D-ndarray or float Frequencies of the ground-state absorbtions T_2 : 1D_ndarray or float Decoherence time of the bands. Returns ------- ndarry """ om = cm2THz(om) * 2 * np.pi om_10 = cm2THz(np.asarray(om_10)) * 2 * np.pi T, om, om_10 = np.meshgrid(T, om, om_10, indexing='ij', copy=False) T_2 = np.broadcast_to(T_2, om_10.shape) dom = om - om_10 num = (1/T_2) * np.cos(dom * T) - dom * np.sin(dom * T) return np.exp(-T / T_2) * num / (dom**2 + (1 / T_2**2))
[docs] def pfid_r6(T, om, om_10, om_21, T_2): """ Calculates the PFID contribution for the shifted frequecy. See the PFID tutorial for a longer explanation. The function does broadcasting, hence it is possible to calculate the PFID contributions of serveral bands at once. For that, om_10, om_21 and T_2 must have the same shape. Parameters ---------- T : 1D-ndarry Delays between pump and probe. The formula assume a postive delays. om : 1D-ndarray Array of frequencies given in wavenumbers (cm-1). om_10 : 1D-ndarray or float Frequencies of the ground-state absorbtions om_21 : 1D-ndarray or float Frequencies of the shifted frequency T_2 : 1D_ndarray or float Decoherence time of the bands. Returns ------- ndarry """ om = cm2THz(om) * 2 * np.pi om_10 = cm2THz(np.asarray(om_10)) * 2 * np.pi om_21 = cm2THz(np.asarray(om_21)) * 2 * np.pi T, om, om_10 = np.meshgrid(T, om, om_10, indexing='ij', copy=False) om_21 = np.broadcast_to(om_21, om_10.shape) T_2 = np.broadcast_to(T_2, om_10.shape) dom = om - om_10 dom2 = om - om_21 num = (1/T_2) * np.cos(dom * T) - dom2 * np.sin(dom * T) return np.exp(-T / T_2) * num / (dom2**2 + (1 / T_2**2))
[docs] def pfid(T, om, om_10, fac, om_21, T_2): om = cm2THz(om) * 2 * np.pi om_10 = cm2THz(np.asarray(om_10)) * 2 * np.pi om_21 = cm2THz(np.asarray(om_21)) * 2 * np.pi T, om, om_10 = np.meshgrid(T, om, om_10, indexing='ij', copy=False) om_21 = np.broadcast_to(om_21, om_10.shape) T_2 = np.broadcast_to(T_2, om_10.shape) fac = np.broadcast_to(fac, om_10.shape) dom = om - om_10 dom2 = om - om_21 # tmp to make it faster dec = np.exp(-T / T_2) cos = np.cos(dom * T) sin = np.sin(dom * T) num = (1/T_2) * cos - dom*sin r4 = dec * num / (dom**2 + (1 / T_2**2)) num = (1/T_2) * cos - dom2*sin r6 = dec * num / (dom2**2 + (1 / T_2**2)) return r4 + fac*r6
[docs] class LinRegResult: """ Linear regression result. """
[docs] data: np.ndarray
[docs] weights: Optional[np.ndarray]
[docs] fit: np.ndarray
[docs] residuals: np.ndarray
[docs] sol: np.ndarray
[docs] r2: np.ndarray
[docs] var: np.ndarray
[docs] stderr: np.ndarray
[docs] rel_err: np.ndarray
[docs] def fit_data(cls, A, y, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """ Fit data to a linear model. Parameters ---------- A : array_like The design matrix. y : array_like The data to fit. Returns ------- LinRegResult """ if y.ndim == 1: y = y[:, np.newaxis] if weights is not None: if weights.ndim == 1: weights = weights[:, np.newaxis] A = A * weights y = y * weights x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None) fit =, x[0]) resi = y - fit r2 = 1 - (resi * resi).sum(0) / (y.shape[0] * y.var(0)) vcv = A.T @ A epsvar = np.var(resi, axis=0, ddof=2) bvar = np.linalg.inv(vcv) * epsvar[:, None, None] bstd = np.zeros_like(x[0]) for i in range(bstd.shape[1]): bstd[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.diag(bvar[i])) bstd, bvar, r2, bstd, sol = linreg_std_errors(A, y) return cls(y, fit, resi, sol, r2, bvar, bstd, bstd/abs(sol))
[docs] def linreg_std_errors(A, y): """ Calculates the solution and error terms in a linear regression. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray Basis matrix y : ndarray Data Returns ------- (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray,) Tuple of three arrays: standard error, variance matrix, r2 """ x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None) fit =, x[0]) resi = y - fit r2 = 1 - (resi * resi).sum(0) / (y.shape[0] * y.var(0)) vcv = A.T @ A epsvar = np.var(resi, axis=0, ddof=2) bvar = np.linalg.inv(vcv) * epsvar[:, None, None] bstd = np.zeros_like(x[0]) for i in range(bstd.shape[1]): bstd[:, i] = np.sqrt(np.diag(bvar[i])) return bstd, bvar, r2
[docs] def ExpDecay(x, A1, tau1, c): return A1 * np.exp(-x / tau1) + c
[docs] def TwoExpDecay(x, A1, tau1, A2, tau2, c): return A2 * np.exp(-x / tau2) + ExpDecay(x, A1, tau1, c)
[docs] def ThreeExpDecay(x, A1, tau1, A2, tau2, A3, tau3, c): return A3 * np.exp(-x / tau3) + TwoExpDecay(x, A1, tau1, A2, tau2, c)
[docs] def poly_bg_correction(wavelengths, data, left=30, right=30, deg=1): """ Fit and subtract baseline from given data Parameters ---------- wavelengths : np.ndarry Shared x-values data : np.ndarray Dataarray left : int, optional left points to use, by default 30 right : int, optional right points to use, by default 30 deg : int, optional Degree of the polynomial fit, by default 1 (linear) Returns ------- [type] [description] """ x = np.hstack((wavelengths[:left], wavelengths[-right:])) y = np.hstack((data[:, :left], data[:, -right:])) coef = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(x, y.T, deg=deg) back = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(wavelengths, coef) data -= back return data
[docs] def inbetween(a: np.ndarray, lower: float, upper: float): """ Returns index-array where a is between upper and lower """ return np.logical_and(a >= lower, a <= upper)