Source code for skultrafast.zero_finding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains functions to find the time-zero and to interpolate the data.

import numpy as np
import skultrafast.dv as dv
import scipy.ndimage as nd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from skultrafast.fitter import _coh_gaussian
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy.optimize import least_squares

[docs] class est(object): pass
[docs] def use_gaussian(dat, sigma=1): """ Use convolution with the derivate of an gaussian. """ derivate = nd.gaussian_filter(dat, (sigma, 0), 1) return np.argmax(np.abs(derivate), 0)
[docs] def use_diff(dat, smooth=0): """ Use numerical diff. """ if smooth != 0: dat = nd.gaussian_filter(dat, smooth) derivate = np.diff(dat, 1, 0) return np.argmax(np.abs(derivate), 0)
[docs] def use_sv_filter(dat, window=7, polydeg=5): """ Use savitzky-golay derivate. """ out = np.zeros((dat.shape[1])) for i in range(dat.shape[1]): idx = np.argmax(dv.savitzky_golay(dat[:, i], window, polydeg, 1)) out[i] = idx return out
[docs] def use_max(dat, use_abs=True): """ Uses the absolute maximum of the signal """ if use_abs: dat = np.abs(dat) return np.argmax(dat, 0)
[docs] def use_first_abs(dat, val=5): """ Returns the first index where abs(dat)>val. """ idx = np.abs(dat) > val return np.argmax(idx, 0)
import scipy.optimize as opt @dv.add_to_cls(est)
[docs] def use_fit(dat, t, tau=[5, 20000], w0=0.08, tn=None, n=-1): """ Fits each transient with only w and x0 free. """ out = np.zeros(dat.shape[1]) w_out = np.zeros(dat.shape[1]) t = t[:n] o = tn[0] w = w0 for i in range(dat.shape[1]): y = dat[:n, i] f = lambda p: _fit_func(t, y, -p[0], p[1], tau) f_sum = lambda p: (f(p)**2).sum() try: if not np.isnan(o) and False: k = o + np.diff(tn)[i] else: k = tn[i] w = w0 #o, w = leastsq(f, list([k, w0]))[0][:2] # = opt.minimize(f_sum, [k,w], method='BFGS') #x = cma.fmin(f_sum, [o, w0], 0.03, bounds=[(0,0.04),(5, 0.2)], restarts=1, verb_log=0) x = opt.brute(f_sum, (range((tn - 0.1), (tn + 0.1), 0.01), np.range(0.04, 0.13, 0.01))) o, w = x[0] if abs(o - tn[i]) > 0.04: plt.plot(t, f([o, w]) + y) plt.plot(t, y, 'o') except NameError: o = w = np.NaN out[i] = o w_out[i] = w return out, w_out
[docs] def _fit_func(t, y, x0, w, tau): """ Fit """ base = np.column_stack(( _fold_exp(t, w, x0, np.array(tau)).T, #)) _coh_gaussian(t, w, x0))) base = np.nan_to_num(base) c = lstsq(base, y[:, None]) y_fit =, c[0]) return (y_fit[:, 0] - y)
[docs] def robust_fit_tz(wl, tn, degree=3, t=1): """ Apply a robust 3-degree fit to given tn-indexs. """ powers = np.arange(degree + 1) X = wl[:, None]**powers[None, :] c = np.linalg.lstsq(X, tn, rcond=1e-10)[0] def fit_func(p): return tn - X@p o = least_squares(fit_func, c, loss='cauchy', f_scale=t) zeros = X @ o.x return zeros, o.x[::-1]
[docs] def interpol(tup, tn, shift=0., new_t=None): """ Uses linear interpolation to shift each channcel by given tn. """ dat = t = tup.t if new_t is None: new_t = t #t_array = np.tile(t.reshape(t.size, 1), (1, dat.shape[1])) t_array = t[:, None] - tn[None, :] t_array -= shift dat_new = np.zeros((new_t.size, dat.shape[1])) for i in range(dat.shape[1]): dat_new[:, i] = np.interp(new_t, t_array[:, i], dat[:, i], left=0) return dv.tup(tup.wl, t, dat_new)
[docs] def get_tz_cor(tup, method=use_diff, deg=3, plot=False, **kwargs): """ Fully automatic timezero correction. """ idx = method(, **kwargs) raw_tn = tup.t[idx] no_nan = ~np.any(np.isnan(, 0) fit, p = robust_fit_tz(tup.wl[no_nan], raw_tn[no_nan], deg) #dv.subtract_background(, tup.t, fit, 400) fit = np.polyval(p, tup.wl) cor = interpol(tup, fit) if plot: from . import plot_funcs as pl pl._plot_zero_finding(tup, raw_tn, fit, cor) return cor, fit